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Jeremiah POV

I woke up in a hospital bed AGAIN

The doctors came in and checked me out and wrote on there pads and left out

One nurse stayed .....can I help you I asked .....my name Ashanti.....when she said that I tear filled in my eyes because Ashanti is veah middle name ...soooo what do you want I asked .....here's my number call me ....nahh you can keep that ion want it....why ....because I'm about to get married my fiancé round here somewhere giving birth and still fighting for her life I'm faithful she the only girl I need beside my daughter she Finns have so no thanks.....OK well if you ever get tired of her you know were to find me ....listen I ain't gone never be tired of her I just got all the sleep I needed for 4 months I'm good.....in Jus's saying bhoo she said while touching me......get the fuck off me .....you know you like it .....I mashed the button so the doctor and others can here this shit..... Get off me.....you know you like it let me suck yo dick daddy......bye ion want you I'm Finna have a child and be a faithful husband to my girls no get off me.....

The doctor came with the manager I bust out laughing and they fired her ass right there

They gave me my discharge papers and I told them to will me were beach was on the way down there we stooped at the nursery and they made me wash my hands and let me hold my baby girl

She looked at me and smiled and grabbed my hand....the nurse says she been crying since she came out ....she holding it down for her mama and daddy

What are you going to name her well veah said keremiah Ashanti heavun conners

Aww how cute let me hold her torien and nickolesse say ....hell nahh ain't nobody holding her but me until veah wake up

So keremiah Ashanti heavun Conner's weighed @ 7 pounds & 8 Oz's born at 3:15 a.m.

Me and keremiah visited veah

The nurse says that keremiah healthy and that veah barely making it but her heart neat and blood pressure is good so she should be waking up any day now

You see mommy kere kere...she smiles and giggled I changed her and fed her and put her down for a nap

I sat with veah and sung to her our song

She joined in and e tear deoped as her as fluttered open and she grabbed on to me

She felt her stomach and broke down

Bae why you crying ...because I lost the baby ....know you didn't you gave both today

She smiled were is she and what did you name her

She's right there and I named her keremiah ashanti heavun Conner's

She laughed and asked could she hold her

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