Found Him

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Gasping for breath
I entered the room
Dark, Eerie, Haunting
The pinnacle of evil here

The house, a hiding place
The man, a monster. Same as me
The screams, a silent echo in my head
The knife, ready in hand

That neighbor....
Was my sister
She didn't make it
That kid... my son

Fire burned my skin
Rage clawing at my lungs
Breaths haggard and uneven
I saw a flash of fear cross his eyes

Footsteps heavy, I approached
Grin menacing, Rage consumed
Step by step, Caging an animal
He retreated, I pursued

His movement fluid, Mine quicker
A deadly dance of power, a dance of Death
One step left, one step right
One swing, one gasp for air

A cry of pain escaped his lungs
My song of revenge now over
The dance has been done, The knife is sated
Rage subdued, Kill complete

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