Maiden of the Night

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The maiden of the night,
known by all as Sleep.
She takes many forms,
each for a different person.

She comes for some at midday,
right after a long day of work.
Others she comes at midnight,
lulling them to sleep with ease.

Some she stays with them,
all through the long night.
Others she quits intermittently,
for one quick wine break...

Or maybe six if she deals with
drunken simpletons late at night.

For the unfortunate few on those days,
you may very well awaken at noon.
Most days though the lucky arise early,
rested and ready for the upcoming day.

She differs for each individual,
making sure to attend to them all.
For the few who try to fight her,
they succumb at some point.

She is a fair maiden and gives grace.
Gentle, fluid, ever-present, and always there.
Listen carefully little lamb and listen well,
for her silent lullaby to bring you adrift into dreams.

She will awaken you once bored.
Now ask yourself, will she be merciful,
or bring about a restless night for the merciless?
Only you can answer that.

Some she awakens at dawn,
knowing they will be fine.
Other times she will rise with you
at two a.m just to spite you.

Sleep is an ever fluid mistress,
yet she never fails to deliver.
Prepare yourself mortals,
for a night of paradox and variety.

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