Monarch is a Secret Organization that specializes in the gathering and studying of the hidden beasts of the Human and Supernatural world. Organized in the year 10 A.D. by Azazel and Michael, Monarch has been hidden from the world except when it has appeared during events like 1832, 1954, 2001, and 2017.
Despite its otherwise secret nature, Monarch is a research organization at heart. However, the research is usually blocked out, hidden away or destroyed to protect the world at large from the threats that may appear. The papers, code named: The Monarch Files, are the only sources of information that Monarch has willingly released to the people at large (I.E. The Government, The Four Great Satans, Heaven and the Leaders of the Grigori).
During Events such as the Great War, Bikini Atoll, 9/11 and other such events, Monarch has been watching and recording information on the beasts that appeared during those events. Most of the monsters are recorded in the Monarch Files, but a few are Classified and kept from public's knowledge due to circumstances beyond their control.
The majority of the finds are recorded and treated with great care, as the monsters of the Earth are much more powerful than people realize. As the beasts in the Monarch Files are only code named, their real names are unknown or are classified as names have power.
Due to the secretiveness of the Monarch Files, Monarch has done its' best to unblock and fix most of the files for further reading and learning usage. However, some of the information show is classified for a reason and is either beyond the reader's security clearance or is permanently lost.
Doctor Henry Ichrio Serizawa
'The arrogance of man is thinking nature is in our control, and not the other way around.'
NICKNAMES: Monarch Representative
Ishrio Serizawa (Father)
Musia Serizawa (Mother)The leading Monarch cryotozoologist and scientist, Henry Serizawa is the main lead for the Project Goji, the team that researches the primordial being code named 'Gojira" by Monarch. Due to his vast knowledge of Gojira, he was put in charge of writing the first of the Monarch Files for the very monster he researches.
Highschool DXD: Soul Of A Titan
Random*All the characters are 18 to 19 years-old.* Highschool DxD/Godzilla MonsterVerse Crossover Cast Shinomura (Flashback) Rokmutul Godzilla Hokmuto Femuto Frost Vak Ion Dragon Kong Skullcrawler Talaghan Dagon MUTO Prime Mothra Rodan Ghidorah Scylla...