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- In the beginning there was Chaos, a yawning nothingness. Out of the void emerged Gaia (the Earth) and other divine beings — Eros (love), the Abyss (part of the underworld), and the Erebus (the unknowable place where death dwells). Without male assistance, Gaia gave birth to Uranus (the Sky), who then fertilized her. From that union the first Titans were born — six males: Coeus, Crius, Cronus, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Oceanus, and six females: Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Rhea, Theia, Themis, and Tethys. After Cronus, Gojira, And other Titans was born, Gaia and Uranus decreed no more Titans were to be born and Uranus's continuing to suffer Gaia by imprisoning her elder children within the Earth until the birth of Cronus and his kin and the end of Uranus. After the imprisonment of Gaia elder children, she seek out her young titans. Unfortunately, none of them came to her aid...none except for Cronus. She requested him to freed his elder siblings and armed him a sickle made out of adamantine. Cronus found his way into Tartarus and demand to see the one in charge... He found him. Cronus went face to face with none other than Godzilla himself. He ask him to aid Gaia's plan to overthrow Uranus and be free from him for good.  Godzilla was motionless for a moment, thinking of what his little brother said. He then grip on the two bars of his cell and, with all of his might, bend the bars to create a exit for him and his sibling to finally get revenge on their Father. 

Uranus have lost and retreated and his children claim victory to this battle (of course it also give rise to the nymphs, furies, giants, and Aphrodites in the aftermath). But before anyone could react, Cronus knew that Gojira and other like him (including the Cyclops and the Hecatonchires) would be too much even for him and possibly be the true rulers of the Earth. So he did what any paranoid person would do...drag them back to Hell (aka Tartarus). The Golden Age of True Titans has begun. And the anger of the forgotten ones will be unleash once again. 

700 - 650 BCE : The First Titanomachy or The Great Titan War
- After Cronus trapped Gojira and his fallen brethren, he now claim the world. Rhea on the other hand, felt great guilt that the creature she thought it be her own brother rot down in Tartarus instead of giving the freedom he and others like him deserve. Gaia witnessed it all and felt great sorrow to see her children fighting against each other after fighting together for a common cause. Deep within the abyss of Tartarus, the re-imprison ones are once again waiting...in anger, in rage of what their little brother did to them. And when the time is right, all Hell will be unleash upon the Earth again. Cronus claim the world. But he was destined to be overcome by his own children, so he did what he have to do...devour them. But Rhea did not wish for this, especially when her sixth child, Zeus will be born, so she ask for Gaia's help. Unfortunately for Gaia, she was not happy to se her daughter but Rhea begged for her and ask her to find a way to dethrone her husband and possibly free her other siblings from Tartarus. So Gaia agree and devise a plan to save them and to eventually get retribution on Cronus for his acts against his father and children. Rhea trick Cronus by switching her baby with rocks wrapped in cloth. As usual, Cronus swallow the 'baby', but what he doesn't know that the real Zeus is in hiding, waiting for his time to finally enact Gaia's plan by tricking his father to barfing his children out via poison so Zeus may start the Titanomachy, the 10 years war between the Gods and Titans. Of course, Zeus would need some extra hands in order to overthrow his father, and he know where they are. The war between the Old and New Gods have begun. Zeus knew they would be outnumber by his father's army, so he took a trip down in Tartarus and encounter the dreaded she-dragon Campe/Kampe, the warden of Tartarus itself. Zeus defeated her and now stand face-to-face with the imprison titans. Zeus called out to the one who's name Gojira...suddenly Zeus was grab by Gojira himself. Ready to incinerate Zeus, with all him might from his voice and yell, "DON'T YOU WANT YOUR REVENGE?!". That when they all stop and ponder of his question. Gojira on the other hand is not convince by his words but was stop by his brethren. On Earth, Cronus and his Titans (except for those who did not want to be in any part of this) have weaken the new Gods. Before their father smite them along with any traitors among them, a large eruption happen behind him and to his shock and surprise... the Cyclopes, Hecatonchires, and the Kaiju (Elder Titans) are emerging from the hole that Zeus and Gojira powers...the real Titanomachy began now. Cronus and his followers are forever trapped in Tartarus but it does leave a heavy blow on Gaia, seeing her children imprisoned for eternity, but she knew this is the only way to end the suffering. Luckily, Godzilla is there to comfort her and hopefully, his mother will find some peace in her immortal life. Rhea, on the other hand, is pleased to see her older brother and the rest of her siblings doing well, of course, it did break her heart to see her husband banished but it for his own good. The two look at each other in the eyes and not a moment wasted, they embrace each other as any sibling would, and Gaia included herself. Once Zeus came into the picture, Godzilla spotted him and quickly scrap him off the ground and rush him close to this face, giving him his final roar as a warning if he ever steps out of line as his father did. Zeus was very well aware of that and he does not wish to start another war for Heaven and Earth. After the 'family reunion' if you want to call it that, the rest of the titans and giants left the battlefield and go one to there merry ways. The Olympians went up to Mt. Olympus and settle their domain. Rhea and Gaia are at the coastline, saying their final goodbyes while Godzilla's swimming out to sea, the hope of one day they see each other again. Cronus and his loyal allies are locks up in Tartarus while the Hecatonchires are there wardens, making sure they never escape. Atlas is forever cursed to hold the Heaven above the Earth. Prometheus was busy creating the first man while his brother Epimetheus is creating many different types of animals that we know today and Zeus is sitting at his throne on top of Mt. Olympus, watching...thinking...planning carefully for the future knowing that Godzilla is keeping a watch on him and the other Gods, some of the Olympians even call Godzilla the Titan God of Nature and Balance, making sure that nothing upset the Earth, even by those that created it... Later, Godzilla and the other titans were spread throughout the globe, influencing other pantheons and bringing orders to the world from now and the future. And Godzilla is above all that stands, whether they are man, god, or beast...he's the King of all Kings, the God of all Gods, he is what stands between total destruction and the survival of his world. 

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