Chapter 17

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"We sit vigil for our Clanmates joining StarClan tonight." Goldenperch mewed, forlornly looking down at the limp line of bodies.

"Goodbye, Peacefern." Luckystar began.

"Goodbye, Cloudtail." Whitewing yowled her grief to the night sky.

"Goodbye, Toadstep," Rosepetal, Toadstep's sister, dipped her head.

"Goodbye, Thornclaw." Brightheart broke off.

"Goodbye, Dustpelt." Icecloud, Birchfall and Foxleap mourned their father.

"Goodbye, Beetlenose." With no living kin, Firestar spoke up for him.

"Goodbye, Cherryheart." All three apprentices, Frogpaw, Dawnpaw and Sunpaw, chorused.

"Goodbye, Briarlight." Graystripe mewed; his voice choked.

"Goodbye, Bushpelt." His mentor, Molewhisker caterwauled.

Luckystar raised her voice and tilted her head to the night sky. "StarClan! Grant our dead Clanmates good hunting wherever they run!"

Jayfeather stepped forward formally. "May StarClan light your path."

The Clan dipped their heads towards the fallen warriors and most moved back to let their dead Clanmates' kin share tongues with them one final time.

"That was the bad news." Luckystar took over again. "But there is good news!"

Frogpaw looked up with interest and Snowfall's ears twitched.

"Firstly," she mewed. "Whitewing and Squirrelflight are retiring to the elders' den. Whitewing, Squirrelflight, do you wish to give up the life as a warrior and retire?"

"I do." Whitewing mewed.

"I do." Squirrelflight meowed, her voice trembling.

"Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest." Luckystar rested her muzzle on Whitewing's and Squirrelflight's head before standing up again.

"Whitewing! Squirrelflight!" Goldenperch cheered the new elders.

Brightheart licked her kit, Whitewing and welcomed her into the group of elders. Firestar nuzzled Squirrelflight as well.

"Snowfall has been talking to me and the medicine cats," Goldenperch's sister continued. "And she is happy to announce she is expecting kits!"

"Congratulations, Snowfall!" Dovewing and Bumblestripe rushed to their kit's side and purred loudly.

"Next," Luckystar purred. "Frogpaw, Dawnpaw, Sunpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Frogpaw's mew was certain and bold. His green eyes glittered as he looked up to Luckystar.

"I do." Sunpaw nodded confidently.

"I do as well." Dawnpaw's amber eyes met Goldenperch's and they both thought of Demonclaw; Dawnpaw's love, now dead.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Frogpaw, you will be Frogfern. Sunpaw, you will be Sunrise. Dawnpaw, you will be Dawnmist." Luckystar licked the three warriors before leading the chant.

"Frogfern! Sunrise! Dawnmist! Frogfern! Sunrise! Dawnmist!"

"According to Clan tradition, you will keep vigil tonight alongside the cats keeping vigil for our fallen warriors."

"Spark, we have decided to let you and your kits join our Clan." Luckystar added then swished her tail to signal the meeting was over. She jumped down and landed next to Goldenperch.

"We've lost so many cats," Goldenperch remarked.

"Yes. Organize the cats coming to the Gathering tonight, will you?" Luckystar replied.


Goldenperch quickly organized the cats keeping vigil into one group and the cats that were able to go into another group.

"Bumblestripe, Dovewing, Duskpelt, Echoflight, Hollyleaf, Hazeltail, Ivypool, Lionblaze, Pineleaf, Thunderstorm, Jayfeather, Larkleaf, Firestar and Graystripe will go." She reported.

"Alright." Luckystar nodded. "I'll inform them."

Goldenperch gave a swift nod before walking towards the thorn barrier. Soon, the assigned cats joined her.


"ThunderClan also lost many cats. We grieve for Peacefern, Cloudtail, Toadstep, Thornclaw, Dustpelt, Beetlenose, Cherryheart, Briarlight and Bushpelt." Luckystar mewed sadly.

"But we also bring happy news." Luckystar brightened up. "We have three new warriors tonight, sitting vigil. Frogfern, Sunrise, and Dawnmist!"

"Frogfern! Sunrise! Dawnmist!" the Clans cheered.

"And Snowfall is expecting kits." Luckystar finished.

"I see no reason to stay out here in leaf-bare," Blackstar commented. "Let's end this Gathering, shall we?"

"I agree," Mistystar nodded.

"This Gathering is at an end!" Onestar yowled to all the cats.

"ThunderClan, let's go!" Goldenperch heard Luckystar's order and herded the cats back across the tree-bridge.

Running through their territory, Goldenperch thought back to when she was an apprentice. Life had been simpler back then. But she was fine with it now. Grief closed over her heart as she remembered Demonclaw. Goldenperch shook it away.

As she entered the camp, Leafpool was hovering there anxiously, apparently waiting for them.

"Leafpool? What happened?" Luckystar asked anxiously.

"It's good news." Leafpool purred. "Lightningstrike kitted while you were gone."

Thunderstorm barged past and headed to the nursery. Luckystar followed quickly, Goldenperch on her tail. She opened her jaws, tasting the air. The strong scent of milk was easily identifiable.

"Lightningstrike! They're so beautiful!" Thunderstorm stepped aside to reveal two squirming bodies. "A tom and a she-cat!"

"Thank you." Lightningstrike purred loudly. She looked at Luckystar and Thunderstorm seriously. "I want to name the tom Stormkit. It reminds me of..."

Goldenperch understood. The bundle of wet fur suckling milk was the exact image of Luckystar's other kit, Lightningstrike's brother.

"Of course." Thunderstorm licked Lightningstrike's ears happily. "How about Skykit for the she-cat? I have a feeling her eyes will be sky-blue."

"Fine," Lightningstrike mumbled.

"Move aside!" Goldenperch winced as she heard Jayfeather's sharp tones coming nearer. She quickly left the nursery and watched with a small smile on her face as Jayfeather scolded Luckystar and Thunderstorm for crowding the nursery.

Some cats never change.


The next day, Goldenperch sat with pelts brushing next to Luckystar on the Highledge. They observed the sunrise in peace.

"I don't know if StarClan made this destiny, but I wouldn't change it at all." Luckystar said suddenly.

"Me too." Goldenperch stared into Luckystar's dark blue eyes. Amber and blue mixed together. Whatever threat that would appear, ThunderClan could face it. As long as they faced it together. 

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