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You knew Ranboo would have finished streaming by now. You also knew he would be super stressed out about this. He didn't want his entire life online, particularly not these aspects of it, and he would worry that you didn't want your fanbase to know about this either.

You had to talk to him. You tried to call Ranboo three times, each time went to voicemail. You resolved to calling Toby, who picked up immediately. 


"Where's Mark? Why won't he pick up his phone? Is he okay?"

"Mark is, well, I'm not going to say he's okay because that would be lying. I think he wants to talk to you and apologise but he says he doesn't want to because he thinks you'll be annoyed at him."

"I'm more annoyed at the fact that he won't pick up his damn phone!"

"Do you want me to see if he wants to talk to you?"

"Yes please."

There were muffled voices on the other end of the call, however two words were very prominent - Fuck off. You could here a door slam and Toby put the phone up to his ear.

"He's not okay."

"I guessed that. Text me your address."

"What? Why?"

"I'm driving to see you guys, duh."


"It is clear Mark is incredibly stressed after the stream and the tweet and he needs someone to talk to. It is also clear that nobody he won't let anybody in your house help him because he just told you to 'fuck off' and slammed a door in your face."

"Fine. I'll send you my address."

As soon as he sent the message you pulled it up on maps.

"I'll be there in 45 minutes or so."

"Okay, see you then."

You ended the call and made for the front door, before deciding it was probably worthwhile packing an overnight bag. You grabbed some spare clothes and your pyjamas just in case and headed to your car.

You set your phone up so it would show you the directions and plugged it into your aux cord, hitting shuffle play on your Spotify playlist and beginning the drive. It was rather peaceful, the music combined with the night sky and lack of shit drivers out at this hour made the journey rather enjoyable.

You arrived about 5 minutes earlier than you had expected, and made straight for the front door.  You knocked on the door, somewhat impatiently, before it was opened by Tommy, who pulled you into a quick embrace before letting you inside.

"He won't talk to anyone, and he swore."

"I heard. Where is he?"

"He's in that room." Tommy pointed to a door on the right of the hallway in front of you before giving you a 'good luck' salute and walking off to what you presumed to be the lounge room.

You walked straight up to the door and took a sharp breath in, before knocking on the door quickly. When nobody responded you twisted the handle and pushed the door open, peeking around to look inside. You found Ranboo, with his head on his knees, laying on his side in the bed.

"Toby, for the last time fuck-"

You cleared your throat.

"I'm not Toby."

As soon as your voice registered in his head, he sat up, turning to look at you with puffy eyes.

"Y/N... I'm so sorry. I-I should have thought about what I was saying. I wasn't thinking-"

"Mark! It's fine! I don't care that people know about that, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I called you to see if you were fine, not to yell at you."

"Are you sure? I mean Twitter is going nuts and I doubt anyone will forget about this anytime soon."

"Mark, it's fine. We can deal with the repercussions together. If you want we can take a break, at least until we figure everything out."

He nodded at you and gave you the toothy smile you loved, before standing up to pull you into a hug, which you returned gladly.

"Thank you, Y/N." He mumbled into your hair, as he rested his head on top of yours.

"For what?"

He pulled back, looking at you properly for the first time since you got there.


-Ranboo's POV-

Standing there, with my arms around Y/N was amazing. For the first time since the stream, I forgot about what I had said. I forgot how angry I was afterwards. In that moment my mind was fighting between two thoughts. The first, being Y/N. Everything about that girl made me smile. She has the most amazing smile and the kindest heart and, oh god, her laugh.

However, I couldn't help but think back to Wilbur's advice from yesterday. At first, he confused me. The idea of being in love with someone I spoke to for the first time a few weeks ago was so difficult to comprehend at the time, all of Wilbur's advice made no sense. But now, I see what he meant.

'I'm pretty sure when it happens, you'll know.'

He was right, I do know. This is an odd feeling. I have never been clear on my feelings towards Y/N, but now I know exactly what I want. It's just a matter of figuring out how I'm going to tell her.

"Thank you, Y/N." I mumbled into her hair. Everything she had done with me since we first spoke came to the forefront of my mind.

"For what?" She asked. I pulled back from the hug, holding her close enough so I could properly look at her.


Gently, she grabbed my face and pulled me down closer. I could feel her breath run along the side of my face in the close proximity. I leaned in, closing the distance between us and pressing my lips to hers. Instinctively, my hands went to her hips and hers to my hair, twisting and pulling at it gently.

Reluctantly, we pulled back, Y/N's hands came to rest on my shoulders and mine remained around her waist. We were both slightly out of breath but beaming ear-to-ear regardless.

"That was-" She started.

"Amazing." But I cut her off before she could finish.

"I was going to say unexpected." She giggled slightly at my now bright red face.

"But it was amazing, right?"

"I would say amazing suffices." 

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