Chapter 2

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(I hope you all are enjoying this story so far! Next chapter will be updated sometime next week.)

I came to a little while later, floating in and out of being awake, the sounds of the sirens increasingly loud as I gained some consciousness. I was still groggy and out of it though as the wheels moved quickly toward the hospital. My thoughts were buzzing like angry bees, flitting about in a wild manner: Is this real? Am I dead? My parents don't know I left the house, so they'll be extremely worried when I don't show up for breakfast... Not to mention I have to head back to campus in a few days, my spring break is almost over. What happens to me if this truly isn't a dream? Am I just stuck here or will I eventually just... APPEAR... out of nowhere back home? Will time have passed? I don't know what I would do if I were stuck here: I never had a bad relationship with my parents and siblings and loved each of them to death, but of course parents and siblings are annoying and unbearable at times, it's just common knowledge. They're my family, and I would love to wake up from this horrific nightmare and go home and snuggle under the soft blankets on my bed and dream sweet dreams and see each of their faces in the morning: even our cranky old black and white Great Dane, Felix, who we got when I was in high school.

Well, I'm sure doing a bang-up job on that one, but at least I have a vague idea of where I am now, knowing what part of the country and city I'm in. It surprised me to know I'm very far away from home, me living on the east coast and all... I could still hear that incessant siren, screaming along in my ears as the wheels ground the pavement beneath, inching ever closer to our destination. A few agonizing minutes later, it comes to a stop and I then feel myself being moved out of the dim ambulance and into a brightly lit hospital entrance and as I moved the florescent lighting above ticked past one by one. It was almost too bright, like looking straight into the sun. And thank goodness for the blanket because a rush of cold air hit me coming into the hospital. I heard a voice nearby, probably a doctor's. It was hard to make out a face though, because my eyesight was a bit blurry and everything was out of focus. The voice that spoke was deep and a little gravelly. "Put her in 2." I was out again then, lost to the world.

When I woke up fully, I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital room and the view outside my window was nice and sunlight was streaming in, which helped brighten my mood a little bit. My left leg and arm were in a cast, and the bed was propped up a little so I wasn't laying down completely. I also reached up to my forehead and felt a bandage there as well: god I must look absolutely dreadful right about now. I spied my bag on the seat of an armchair near the bed on the opposite side of the big window. My backpack looked a bit out of place with all of the old fashioned furnishings in the room. Everything seemed old, but looked relatively new. A woman entered the room, her back to me. She was wearing some sort of white pantsuit and a weird nurse's cap on her head and had graying hair. I stayed silent, but she turned around a moment later and noticed that I was awake.

"Oh good, you're awake. I'll go get a doctor, and be right back." She headed out of the room, the big wooden door swinging softly shut behind her. A few minutes later, it was pushed open once more and a man entered with the nurse. He honestly resembled someone from the old Hollywood era movies that my grandma adores. It brought my back to when I would stay at my grandma's house overnight when my family had places to be when I was little: She would put on classic movies which I fell in love with and would be so awestruck, so much so that she nicknamed me her little mouse, because I never said a peep watching those shows and movies. He was a very well dressed man who had a white lab coat over his shirt and pants, and had dark hair with sideburns. He spoke in the same deep, gravely voice I heard before I woke up here. "Good to see you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright, all things considered. Mainly just extremely sore now." I replied, and he walked to the end of the bed to pick up a chart that was sitting on the tray table and wrote something down. "You sustained a few injuries from the accident but nothing too serious other than the broken leg and arm, and the cut on your forehead along with some bruising on the left side of the face and abdomen. I'm Dr. Brackett, and I'd like to ask you a few questions. Afterward, there's a visitor for you if you're up to it: the young woman who says you saved her boyfriend from being where you aren't now. That was a very brave thing you did." I flushed with embarrassment, but nodded.

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