Time Goes Onward

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Time Goes Onward

Without any regrets about Yotsuba's wedding to her first love, it felt like a good chance to move on for Nino from the past. In the kitchen, the atmosphere was peaceful as she smiled.

Toshiki gazed at Nino with his typical nonchalant facial expression. "Then, will you stay with me?"

Once Nino heard those words, the sound of raindrops pelted throughout the restaurant. Her eyes widened in astonishment. What was this feeling hitting her? She couldn't find the words to say to this question.

Toshiki realized he had put Nino in a tight spot and said, "If you're having difficult time coming up with an answer, you don't have to say anything. I apologize for aski—"

"No, that's not it."


"I, um, appreciate you asking me, even if it's a joke."

A rare but sweet smile appeared on Toshiki's face. "It's not a joke, though. It's a proposal."

Nino gazed into the silver eyes staring back at her blue ones and blushed slightly. Honestly, what was happening to her? She knew this was similar to when she first felt these pangs, but this feeling felt stronger. What exactly was going on with her while she was in Toshiki's presence?

"A proposal...? To me?" Nino finally had the urge to ask.

Toshiki was puzzled. "Would there be anyone else for me to ask?"

"Well, weren't you interested in Yuuko when she first applied to Seimei University? She's even a potential candidate for cardio, so there should have been a chance for you to train her and court her."

Toshiki's face was back to its indifferent look. "No. I had no plans to make her my girlfriend, not even my wife."

"What about the other nurses or female surgeons? I'm sure they're more likely to be your type."

"Not at all. There are some who are quite... eccentric."

"Then... Itsuki." Nino had one final answer, which happened to be her only sister who wasn't in a relationship with anyone. "She's not a doctor or trainee in medical school, but she teaches science. She's a bit of a big eater, but she's got more attributes to at least be part of your candidates for romance."

Toshiki laughed. "Haha, are you putting Itsuki on the pedestal just so you won't be with me? She's not my type."

Nino frowned reluctantly. "...It can't be me. It's too soon for anyone to go for me."

Toshiki was blunt again. "Five years ago, Yotsuba was confessed and proposed to. You've moved past that time without any regrets. I think you're remarkable and a beautiful young lady yourself, Nino."

While she was still feeling flustered—even a bit muddled about Toshiki's true feelings for her, Nino replied. "Don't forget you'll have to take responsibility for proposing to me. Starting tonight."

"I wonder what you'll make me do," Toshiki smiled once more.

"Oh, and don't forget it's raining outside, so you'll need an umbrella."

"I didn't bring one."

The awkwardness of being alone together made things a bit more embarrassing for Nino. She said, "I suppose we'll have to stay here until it stops."

Toshiki's smile didn't falter. This was enough for him, despite how busy his daily life as a chief surgeon had been in the last few years.

Meanwhile, Miku and Kaede were paying chess in Sentaro's apartment. They two were having fun, but Sentaro wasn't in the mood. He hadn't been since Ichika had not been in contact with Sentaro (or anyone from the EICU) before, during and after the wedding. Watching Miku and Kaede play together annoyed Sentaro even further, so he walked to his bedroom and quietly shut the door behind him. This might as well have been the time to make a call to Ichika.

But why bother to go with it when Ichika was away for her acting career? To make one stupid phone call when she won't even answer? If...

Sentaro frowned. "There's no point in dwelling in meaningless questions only to get no answer from someone who didn't want anyone to interfere with their last quintuplet game."

If Ichika had discussed this with Sentaro, they might have had something to talk about. There was that question nudging at the back of his mind: What would they even talk about? In the next few seconds, Sentaro's phone buzzed. He had had it on vibrate before his work hours, so it was rare to see any personal calls. Who would have thought Ichika would call him at this time.

Sentaro picked up his phone and said, "Yeah?"

"Oh?" A cheerful voice said. "Sentaro, you picked up your phone for me!"

"Whatever." He sighed before continuing. "It's just a call, nothing special. What's up with you? Did you land a new role?

Ichika grinned. "Really, now, Sentaro. Your darling girlfriend found time to contact you after all the work I've had to do. You should be happier than ever since we don't always get to have this kind of private time."

"Long distance calls aren't that great, you know. Tell me what you're calling for. State your purpose, Ichika Nakano."

Hearing those words felt like a blade just sliced off a piece of her heart. Ichika looked down and frowned sadly. "I'm sorry if I did something to hurt you."

"You sure did. Final quintuplets guessing game? What the hell do you think I felt when I found out about it, and the fact you never told me before the wedding!"

"Oh. I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't think it'd make you so upset."

"Ichika, we should take a break."

Sentaro hung up and balled his hands into fists. He hurried and went to his drawer, opened it, and took his clothes out like a madman. He went out the door and walked into the living room. Since Miku and Kaede were still playing chess, he told them, "Hey. I'm gonna take a shower. If you're staying over, there're extra toothbrushes and floss in the bathroom cabinet. And I'll get out the extra futons since a couch isn't good enough."

Kaede nodded. "Got it, Sentaro."

Miku smiled. "We're grateful that you're letting us sleep over."

Gratitude? Miku felt gratitude towards Sentaro for letting her and Kaede stay over? ...It was strange, as if Miku was his younger sister. Then again, she was one of Ichika's younger sisters (and the middle child of the quintuplets to boot), so this shouldn't be a problem for him to think of her as his future sister.

Sentaro shrugged and said, "...No problem."

He walked to the room he needed to get showered and place his clothes in the appropriate baskets.

Yeah. The only problems he had were with his feelings overflowing with anger and jealous. There was no need to take anything out on Ichika, but he felt that he had been played with over the fact the quintuplets did their "Guess who I am?" game over and over until one of them got married. If Ichika came back to see him in person, he would apologize and maybe they would finally talk things over.

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