'darling the smile on your face
makes it so hard to leave'
Tom Holland has a mission, to keep all boys away from you. But the question is, will he be able to himself away?
~ Tom holland x reader
I will kill Harrison. This is my first time in years going to a school with boys and his over protective ass ruined it again. I am fueling with anger. I grab Tom's hand and pull him to the janitor's closet. 'Listen Tom, I know you are my brother's friend and shit but please let me live.' I can tell he is extremely shocked by my actions. He gathers himself and leaves 'Sorry Harrison makes the rules' I will punch him i swear to god. Why is he so obnoxious. Why can't he just let me live. Well i can't really blame him. Harrion's gonna die today. The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. When i reach my home Harrison isn't there. It gives me some time to cool off. I guess Tom told him. He comes back around 4 pm. 'Hey little sis, how was your first day?' 'Great! Except no boys would talk to me. Explain.' 'Dont be angry' he says a bit scared now. 'DONT BE ANGRY?' i swear to god I am about to loose it. 'Listen, you don't how boys in our school are like. You know what happened. I won't change my opinion.' Harrison is so stubborn at times.
Eren pov - When i reach my home, I see a red car parked there. Great they are home. Entering home doesn't feel safe anymore. After my dad died in a car accident, i have been living with my step mom. God she is an addict. She does so much drugs, I am actually concerned for her. I call Harrison and ask him if I could stay over. I cannot deal with her right now. I quietly get home and pack my bag. Levi helps me alot in situations like these. He is the only one who knows what happened. I guess it's nice having someone you could trust. I enter Harrison's house. It's like a second home to me now. I see y/n. I forgot about her.
y/n is.....interesting. She hates me. I am okay with that. She skates. That's all. There is nothing interesting about her to be honest. She doesn't spark my interest until she skateboards because damn she has skills. She left for 4 years. No one knows why. I want to know why.
y/n's pov -
Tom holland is in my home. Tom is.....confusing. He doesn't like me. I am okay with that. He plays football. That's all. Rest is mystery. Why doesn't he date? How did he bond with Harrison so much?It's a mystery. I wanna solve that mystery.
he's sitting on our couch and looking at the floor.
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'Hey' I say. 'Helo' He greets me. This is awkward. 'Soo, what you doing here?' I ask, I know he won't tell me. But it's worth a try. 'Harrison invited me over.' Lies. Harrison never invites someone over. His big ego could never. 'I see' I say, he knows I know he lied. None of us say another word. Harrison suddenly comes down. 'Tom you're here' Harrison says in a cheerfull tone and they both go upstairs.