Found You!

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Hey Guys, Here's A Chapter For You All!!! ENJOY! :)

Lucy's Pov

'What do I do now'? 

"OW"! I yelled as I felt something sharp and cold stab the side of my body. I looked at the side of my body and saw nothing, I just shrugged it off. 

'I guess I'll leave the park and back home since no one's even here'. I walked out of the park and back home. 

"Hello Lucy! You're back so soon. What happened"? My mom asked me, but I was too tired and exhausted to do anything. 

'Why am I so sleepy? I had lot's of rest before'. Since I was too tired and sleepy I accidently fell asleep on the floor, I also bumped into my mom's glass plates. 

"LUCY"! Was all I heard my mom say, before falling on the floor and my eye sight fell to my hip. It was bleeding. All I thought was










'Was I cut? Who cut me?'

Jude's Pov

My daughter came inside the hotel, she looked different. Her eyes were drooping and sleepy, her posture was off. Layla also noticed it and decided to ask Lucy. 

"Hello Lucy! You're back so soon. What happened"? Lucy didn't answer her, she just looked at us and fell on Layla's glass plates. Her side started bleeding a lot. 

"LUCY"! Layla yelled, We ran to her side. "Jude! Called someone for help"! Layla said in a panick. I ran to the phone. 

"Help! Please my daughter! -I paused and looked at Lucy, she became very pale, the color from her face started to leave- Layla go tend the wound! -Layla ran to find bandages-". I forgot that I was on the phone for help. 

"Sir! What's the problem"? The man on the phone said. Layla came back with bandages, I turned back to the phone. 

"My daughter is in need of desperate help, her side is bleeding to much. Please bring help". I said quickly. Layla started crying on Lucy and repeating over and over again to me 'please help'

"Don't worry sir! Help's on the way"! The man said. After giving the hotel address I hung up and ran to Lucy, I did the best I could to make the wound's better.

Natsu's Pov

I decided to get some fresh air. Mira ran all around magnolia looking for Lucy. We all decided to go to the hotel, where Lucy is living in for now. We heard screaming and people coming in and out. Mira quickly ran in.

"MIRA-NEE WAIT"! Lisanna was screaming for Mira to come back. We heard Mira's screaming. We saw a stretcher and blood all around it. Then what we saw was truly horrifying, Lucy was on a stretcher surrounded by blood. We all screamed, some cried, and other's turned around to look away. But the memory can't leave, what you see, is what you must remember. "What happened to Lucy? Natsu? WHAT HAPPENED TO LUCY"!? Lisanna was now crying, everyone was. 

"I don't know! What happened here"? I asked to no one. We saw Lucy's parent's, they were crying. Mira ran up to them, she started asking them questions. They tried answering her, but they couldn't. They kept staring at Lucy and crying. Finally, Lucy's mom broke down into big streams of tears.

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