Chapter Nine: Version of Me

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Chapter Nine

Version of me

"He should have just said your name!" My best friend said, giggling as he teased me. He's not the only one, as I became a hot topic between the senior high school department right now.

I watched him scroll through his phone,

"Did he just come out of his closet?"

"He's so brave and cool I want to cry."

"I got heartbroken, but I think it's worth it. I hope Sunoo would like him back."

"He was the first person that came to mind while he's describing his criteria."

"He was popular and known as someone who has resemblance with a fox."

"I'm more than willing to lose him to Sunoo."

"He described him too well."

He continued to read comments, so I threw the pillow straight to his face. Badly he was able to catch it,

"What?" he said, acting innocent, but I just glared at him.

"Stop reading already! You're not helping." I told him, and he's really not. I don't even know if it's right that I'm in his room, but I somehow ended up here.

"He described you too well. I need to agree with that." Jungwon again started.

"Yah!" I warned him, glaring now quite annoyed. He pursed his lip, suppressing a smile as he rolled his eyes at me.

After the live podcast ended, I became the topic right away, but I was too preoccupied with the confusion I felt until now,

I am thinking whether everything is just a coincidence or he was really talking about me as he didn't say it directly. I hate to admit it, but I couldn't help but assume and hope it was me, that he was really talking about me.

After a long silence, "He was dropping sign and it so clear Sunoo." Jungwon told me softly. I looked at him and saw him staring straight at me, He was serious, and his giggly self vanished.

"Why don't you try to invite him and see it yourself? I highly doubt it wasn't you?" He added softly.

"What if it wasn't me?" I asked him, but he just looked at me. It lasted a while before he signed and closed his eyes tight,

"Sunoo-ah!" he called me gently, "Can I tell you something that might hurt you?" He asked. I looked at a few seconds before I nodded.

I know so well it's going to hurt, but it's going to open my eyes too. "I love you, okay, so I'll say these words." He reminded me,

"Why do you keep resorting to what ifs every time you wanted to save yourself to something you didn't want to face yourself? You said you didn't want to tell him before because there's no chance. You have it now. Why are you still hesitating?" He asked me gently; frustration was evident in his expression.

"I don't understand." He added, "I'm not in your place perhaps, but still you have to see what my eyes see every time I look at you. Maybe you'll see how much you wanted to try and how you drag yourself every time you think to do so." He added tears were also building his eyes."It was so clear you wanted to see it yourself, but why do you keep looking for an escape? Why do you keep finding reasons not to?" he continued.

"if you didn't really want to try, you won't even going to think about it, But you've been thinking of it these past years. All those opportunities you had, you all saw them but fought hard within yourself, and greeted teeth, let them pass by, and ignored them. I'm not gonna care this much if you just let them feel nothing. Still, I could tell every time you do so, you get hurt more and more and keep these hurtful feelings bottle up endlessly inside you." he added, pointing the fact.

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