Chapter Eighteen: Reasons

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Chapter Eigtheen 


The prom is just a week from now on, it's been the talk of the town since last week, everyone was very excited about it, but it seems like it's now nothing special for me... It just doesn't exhilarate me now.

I was quietly reading some workbooks and answering them; This was the last day they'd be giving us homework to focus on preparing for the prom. We'll be only having a discussion this week.

This school could do that since our prom is the most awaited event in our school and the country. The prom ball would be grand; the location itself says it all, the only castle in the country. The red carpet would be broadcasted. The cotillion as well, which is the main event, and everything else would be private.

"I"ll just go to the library," I apprised Won when I couldn't take the noise anymore. It was homeroom, "I'll come with you." He said so we are now walking to our building's library,

Won doesn't seem like his usual self; he was stealing glances at me, uneasy, very unusual of him. He's been also biting his lip hard, causing it to be abnormally red. I feel like it's going to bleed anytime soon if he won't stop doing that.

"Say it, Won." I initiated then glanced at him; he was only like this when he wanted to say something, but he couldn't, having a battle with himself. He just gaped at me and shook his head.

"It's nothing." He replied. I halted, walking, and stared at him to study him; he couldn't look at me in the eyes, which was enough to tell it to me. It's not definitely nothing.

I contemplated whether to insist on hearing him out or just wait for him to tell me. After a minute of silence, I smiled at him and bobbed, "You can tell me anything, Won." I ensured him in case he needed it.

A small smile glimpsed on his lips and smile; I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and walked together to the library.

We sat at one of the table cubicles. I really wanted to finish all activities given yesterday and a while ago to relax and free myself from school works once I got home later.

I started working on my English assignment again. It was a lot easier; it's impossible not to when all I did the whole month was be drawn and obsessed myself in studying.

"I did something crazy." Won abruptly said that got my attention; I glanced at him baffled but didn't say anything. He looked at me with apprehensive eyes. His eyes have been like that since a while ago.

"I know It will going to make you mad but will you trust me on this?" He told me, this time, his eyes were sniveling.

I didn't know what had happened. I didn't know what was maneuvering on his head or any idea what he was talking about. Still, tears I seldom see on him tell me he was beating himself and frightened about something.

I can't bear to see him being like this. My best friend crying is the last thing and sight I want to see whenever my eyes lay on him aside from tears of happiness.

"I always trust you, Won." I told him as I brushed his tears away like he does for me, "We're best friends. Even not, I still will. We are allies, and it will always be like that." I added with a smile as I ruffled his hair.

"Let me give you a hug," I told him to make him feel better. I drove my chair closer to him and opened my arms with a smile; he slowly enveloped his arms around my waist as mine on his shoulder. I rested my chin on his shoulder, blame, and gave him a soft tap on his back.

"Don't cry Won, Jay hyung will kill me once he sees you crying like this." I joked so he would feel light; he just chortled and nodded. I waited for him to let me go first. When he did, he beamed at me,

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