sappy love story.

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We have been talking online for weeks.

He sent me a voice memo of him playing guitar.

I replay it so many times just to hear his laugh at the end.


I want to tell her that I am falling for her.

She has a brilliant mind.

And when she smiles my breath catches.


I like it when he sends me kind messages.

It fills me with so much gratitude and thankfulness for him in my life.

Sometimes I question if I admire him or love him


Sometimes she has her bad days.

She is quiet. Offline

But I know she will be okay because she is stronger than she thinks.


Sometimes I want to share everything with him.

Simply tell him the way I feel for him.

But I am worried I will ruin what we have.


When I see her online.

I want to message her immediately

But you can never seem too keen or else.


When we don't talk, I think I am over him.

But then I see him online

And I fall madly in love all over again.


I get nervous when she is online.

She sees me, truly.

I want to be more vulnerable with her.

But what if she judges me or thinks I'm a fool?


I often wonder what it would feel like to hold his hand.


I imagine myself holding her and how wonderful that would feel.

To feel her inhale and exhale in my arms.


I had a dream about him last night.

We met at a cute cafe and then he played my favourite song on guitar.


I want to see her irl.

I want to be near her

Make her laugh.


I wonder what he smells like.


Wonderful things.


I want to admire her while she reads a book.

Comfortable in her own habitat.


I want to lie on the floor in the dark

listening to him play guitar.


There is only so many ways

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2022 ⏰

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