6. Those dangerous days

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When I wrote the original version in 2018 I did forgot that soldiers had that Christmas Truce from 24th to 26th. So I will add that event to this one. It does feel funny to write this Christmas one when it really is 7th of January in 2022. 



I need to spend this Christmas middle of those rotten bodies. Today we got the announcement that during the next three days war will be on break. So hopefully no more death soldiers till three days. This is not a dreams situation but this is but at least this is better than being gold stone. Yesterday the Germans attacked to our line and more than 300 soldiers died. So now we barely have over hundred mans standing at here. I did wish a calming holiday with my girlfriend but some wishes just doesn't come true, the world is not a wish granting factory! We can't even sleep at here because The German soldiers may attack at the exact moment!

Yesterday night I started to write a letter for Jana but I wasn't able to complete it because all i did was to cry... Where did those dreams gone? That perfect illusion of lovely life? You must be careful at here if your concentration slows down for a minute you may get a bullet to your skull and at the worst case you may die. We had to listen when that has happened for so many soldier and then the commander have called to Britain. We don't wanna to hear that crying voice form their families, friend or girlfriends. I am just scared when that moment will happen for me!

We don't have time to focus to nothing else than shooting enemies. The clock is now half past two and there is so pitch black, although there has been snowing, so you do know that it is Christmas. Of course all of the soldiers have not died just because being shot at head... Commander Asquith have got flash from England that there are new pandemic called Spanish flu... We have already noticed affects of it at here. Soldiers have died because of high temperature... More and more of us have started to vomit and temperature have been over 40 + Celsius... There have been over thousands of dead persons at home... The dead persons have mostly been women and children. 

What else could I say to this... I wish that Jana is okay... I hope that she is not dead because without her I don't have anyone to fight for... Asquith sent a flash for me at last week that my parents did die at the bombing (that happened at the July of 1914). We did live close to family house of Jana's so I really wish now that she is fine and healthy. I can't wait to see that I will see her her again at some day... I do feel that as longer you spend time at here the more memories you do lost. At here you can't think those home things. 

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