10. Forever yours

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okay so I think this was the chapter I wrote before I did forgot this (wrote this from 2018 - 2019). Actually this could work as last one too. But I do hate those depressing endings so this is not a last one...


November 1915 

At the morning I started to write letter for Jana. But then the we got order to move urgently to the new base. So long train trip we we go... The base that we are now is full of German men. We need to leave now. I will end the letter when we are at the new base.

three hours later

Now we are at the new base, but I can't say its name because enemies could hear it. 

My dear girl

Its been over three months from my last letter for you. And I am thinking that why haven't you responded to it yet? Other days I do think if you even have got my letters because the situation is what it is... When those rules for the letters have also changed for the last time. These persons are controlling everything, and everyone!! I don't understand that for what this is even going... Jana I am not sure if I will never see you again. I don't believe that this war will never end. But I am endlessly thankful for everything that we got in this life. Even if I am not able to see you anymore I would die so happy, because you have gave so much for me. For you I have been fighting and for saving you I will die, so you could life happily ever after. I am so afraid but I can't tell that for anyone at here so I am telling that for you in that letter. The commanders do think that soldier with fears is a weak men...

I am not at the new trench so I could hopefully be alone for a moment. When the other ones are ... actually I don't even know where the other ones are. I am sure that I have said the sentence 'I love you' some many times for you, but I just miss you so badly, I have been away from you almost two years... CAN YOU BELIEVE two years already!! We have already lost five men when we were transferred to here new camp. Because they were not watching quickly enough behind their backs. So they were not able to see the enemies! They were not able to escape from them. Luckily you are at home, you are at safe and sound. That's the most important thing for me. 

Whole time there do hear the voices of bombs and guns at here... You can't never know when they does hit you... I sorry if sometimes there at letters are the wrong date, name or address, when you have been here so long you will lose the sense of time. I don't know what to say anymore... I already have said all that I wanted to say. But if you see me at the coffin at the next time, don't be sad... then you know that atleast I did not die without good reason. 

I finished the letter and gave that for the war correspondent...

Here became to hear those bombs and tanks...I am assuming why the other ones are trying to shout my name like they are trying to warn me from something behind me... When I looked behind me. T H E R E  I S  S T A N D I N G    A  G E R M A N  S O L D I E R... And I was not able to react by anything... there was something was blown up front of me... I  W A S N O T  A B L E  T O  S E E   A N Y T H I N G N and my eyes started to sting... by the moment the whole world wen't down and all I could feel was an horrible pain... I tried to call help but no one did not came....

So I thought Jana and fell to endless sleep...

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