A Trip's Prologue

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Hello I'm back fortunately or unfortunately
(This has nothing to do with the trip I just ran out of titles-)

I made different separation lines for different ships so you know what's next- (and just for aesthetic purposes)
EveSou: ❤︎☁︎~——————————————————————————————————————————~☁︎❤︎
SoraMafu: ✎♪~——————————————————————————————————————————~♪✎
UraSaka: ♥︎♣︎~——————————————————————————————————————————~♣︎♥︎
ShimaSen: ♤♢~——————————————————————————————————————————~♢♤
NaruLuz: ❀✧~——————————————————————————————————————————~✧❀

Lots of EveSou, lot's of switching around and yeah that's it no more babbling let's go

*timeline: 6 months into school life*

"Sou Chan? You there?" Eve yawned
"Eve San! Ohayo!" The younger answered
"What... what time is it? Where are my glasses?" Eve rubbed his eyes and asked
"It's 7:16 and your glasses are uhh... actually where are they-?" Sou looked around the room trying to spot the mushroom-haired's glasses
"Is it on beside the computer? I can't see..." the said male pointed out
"Oh! It is!" Sou handed Eve his glasses
"Alright, now turn away, I need to change"
"Hai hai~!" Sou floated away


"Eve san? Are you ok? (.)" Some words appeared on the edge of Eve's notebook
"Really tired (^)" was the boy's response
Then the mushroom haired felt someone hugging him, he smiled and drew something on his notebook



"Ne, Eve San!" Sou hugged him
"Wwww, yes my dear Sou Chan?" Eve responded while hugging him back
"..eh?... EH?!" Sou was blushing, very much if I may add
"Hm? What's wrong?" Eve smiled
"Wh-why- why did you..?" Sou covered his face, which was beet-red by now
Eve couldn't hold in his laughter anymore
"Sorry Sou Chan, I was playing truth or dare with Soraru San and Mafu San, I was dared to call you 'dear', yeah it's weird, I know— Sou Chan?"
"...eh? Ahh mou, Eve Sannn!!" Sou was lightly hitting Eve on his arm
"Gomen gomen, but please stop hitting me, people can't see you y'know"
"Aww fine! Let's go for lunch?"
"Mm, let's go"

*time skip to when it's night time*

"Hmph..." Sou pouted, still thinking about what happened during lunch
"Sou Chan? Doshita no?"
"Hmph!" Sou hugged the teddy bear, or by what he calls it, Mr. Teddy
"..." Eve guessed Sou was still replaying what happened at lunch in his head
"Come here" Eve opened his arms
Sou slowly walked towards Eve and hugged him, of course, still pouting.
"There there, I promise I won't do that ever again." Eve patted Sou on the back
"Sou Chan?"
"Sou Chan?"
"He fell asleep..."
He gently put Sou down on the bed and put the teddy bear beside him, then walking to his chair and reclining it back
"Goodnight Sou Chan" Eve said quietly with a smile


"Aah! I don't get it!"
"Why does it feel like I'm helping you and not the other way around, like what was originally intended?" The green eyed brunette slapped his own forehead lightly
"I told you you were smarter then me before though..." Sakata looked down at his fingers which were tangled up
"I... really didn't expect you to be this— actually you know what never mind, let's stop here for today. We still have a whole week anyways."
"Eh? But-"
"No, I need a break"
"Ehh~? Urata Sannn~!"
(I'll go back to these two later I promise)


"Na, Maashi?"
"I'm cold~" Senra said in a bit of a whiny voice while he grabbed onto Shima's sleeve
(A/N: uniforms consist of a short sleeved and long sleeved button up, a light teals green sweater (no sleeves) and a jacket, so basically you can mix it up)
"Pfft, ghosts can feel cold?"
"Obliviously!" Senra whacked Shima lightly with the longer part of his sleeves
"Hey what was that for??"
"Hehehe" Senra put his hand in front of his mouth, covering it while laughing
"W-well if you're cold then we should head back to the dorm!" Shima's brain is... well, you can say it was kinda malfunctioning
"Mn, let's go!" And to top everything off, Senra decided to hang onto Shima's arm
Now you can say a certain vampire is definitely malfunctioning
"S-Senra? Maybe d-don't hang on my arm?" You can practically see the white swirl in Shima's eyes


"Soraru-SANNNN!!!" Mafu was, like always, screaming on top of his lungs
The raven haired male really wished he could call someone to take Mafu away but sadly, no one could see him, let alone hear him
"Mafuyu Aikawa... SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" yep, he lost it
"S-soraru San..." Mafu was now speaking with a quiet voice
"I made one of the biggest and most horrible mistakes of my life choosing you to be my study partner, truly"
"Ehhh~? But Soraru San loves me!" Mafu said with a teasing smile
"Mph! No.I.Do.Not!"
Okay yeah, that's not fooling Mafu, especially since Soraru's face was red
"Come on Mafu, enough teasing, it's almost 8 p.m, and we have to get up extra early tomorrow for the field trip"
"Mou, Soraru San doesn't mean we have to go to sleep right now, right?"
"Nope, I mean it, now you stay here, don't move anything, I'm gonna go take a shower"
"Hmph!" Mafu flopped down on the bed


"Sakata? Sakata?" Urata yawned while looking for the redhead
"U-Urata San... I'm sorry I wasn't any help during the study..." Sakata was hugging his knees, his imaginary puppy ears dropping
"... Sakata, I'm not mad at you, I just- I don't know what I was doing I- it's perfectly fine, nothing's wrong" Urata felt guilty but didn't know how to explain so he just patted the redhead gently
"Hmmmmm" Sakata let out a sad noise
"Come on, cheer up! We have a field trip tomorrow remember?" Urata smiled
"Ehhh, why would I be happy about that? That means I can't see you guys for a week!"
"You know people can't see you and you can just float around on the bus right?"
"... o h, right"
"Uwehhh gomen nasaiiiii!"


"Do they even realize we're here?" Shima asked, looking at his older cousin and the redhead while sitting on the bed
"Well, I really wouldn't be surprised if they said they didn't" Senra shrugged, hanging up-side-down
"Yep, totally" Shima turned his head, now facing the blond ghost
"Hey Sen, why do you like hanging up side down so much? Wouldn't your blood cause that uhh... what do you call it again?"
"Logically yes, but I'm dead so it doesn't work on me"
"Well, I guess so... hahhhh" Shima yawned
"Eh? Ahh Maashi you should go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow"
"Yeah yeah, I know. Why do you all sound like my parents when it comes to things like this..?"
"Because! you can probably explode this place with no fire!" Senra, pouting and crossing his arms
"Hahh, whatever you say then, goodnight Senra" Shima ruffled the blonde's hair and then pulled the blanket over his head while laying down
Senra changed his position from sitting on the chair to sitting on the opposite side of the purple haired student's bed


Ok random moment, I was on call with my brother and he said my teeth kinda looked like those of a cat bc my canine teeth were pretty sharp idk why-

*and why does my friends like putting stuff on my head so often- they put a orange today-*

Anyways I'll be trying to get as much of the trip event chapter done as I can bc my brain convinces me I really need to update more

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