✦.⁺ nerve.

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content warning for blood and mentions of razors.

═ ☆. THE BACK STORAGE AREA WAS CRAMMED with just as many random things as the front, if not more. You wondered fleetingly how much the pawnbroker had decided to give the people who brought in this junk.

"What are you planning to do?" you whispered to Risotto. You stopped in front of the emergency exit Spikes and Ponytail must have used. "Say you are dealing drugs back there. Is your little switchblade going to be enough to scare them? What's your Stand ability?"

Risotto's eyes flashed. "What's your Stand ability?"

You didn't even know how to begin explaining your gossamer fabric Stand, so you said nothing. Risotto's ability must have been equally as obscure because he turned back to the emergency exit. He pushed it open a fraction, wide enough for three male voices to float inside. Two of them must have belonged to Spikes and Ponytail. The third voice was lower, the note of authority in it telling you he was the one leading the conversation.

"You're short this week."

"I know, signore. We'll get it to you."

"It's been pretty quiet. There was a recent one, though."

"Two, actually."

"What's their condition?"

"One of them's definitely got it. Not sure about the other one. It was hard to tell."

"It shouldn't be hard to get an answer."

"We're working on it."

You raised an eyebrow at Risotto. What were these guys talking about? This didn't sound like a drug deal. Risotto frowned back at you.

"Let me know once you find out. And you shouldn't be short next week."

"We won't be."

"I'll send you the location of the new meeting place next week. This one has been unfortunately compromised."

You didn't have time to decipher what that meant before the exit door was yanked outward. Risotto fell against the space the door had just been, knocking into Ponytail. Your heart leapt into your throat. You immediately tried running away but not before someone grabbed your arm. Spikes.

"What the fuck?" Ponytail spluttered, reeling back. "How long have they been standing there?"

"I'm disappointed you didn't realize sooner," the third person said. You couldn't make out his face. He wore his brimmed hat in a way that covered most of it, and his long trenchcoat was bundled tight. The minute he stepped back into the streets, he would disappear.

"You better break up this shit," Risotto snarled. "Whatever you're doing, stop it." He moved to rush at the man in the hat. He only managed a sharp jerk of his body before he froze in place. You could see him straining to move. It was like some unseen hand was keeping him in place.

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