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Grey was sitting at their kitchen table at home in Willowsbay and he had been on the phone for 2 hours straight. He called all of their friends, some of their old classmates, then he started calling venues, such as the Exit bar or even Joy Club in Crestcreek. He was willing to organize it in the neighboring town, because he wanted to throw the party of the century.

"Shit," he sighed. "I started too late. Every place within a reasonable distance is all booked out!."

"Why don't you you just throw it here?" his mother suggested. "We can go to your grandparents for the weekend if you need us to."

"Mom, it's not gonna be like 20 people or so. I want to have a big one, Thomas is gonna turn 20. It's a round number, his last underage birthday, and his first one in the FBI."

"We might have to go to Forwood," Rachel said, not even looking up from her phone.

"Forwood? Is there a club or something there? It's like 15 miles from here."

"My classmate Robbie lives there. He literally takes that journey twice a day, if he survives, we will survive, too. And he talks about parties with his childhood friends all the time. Do you want me to ask?"

"Of course! If you get us a venue, we might invite you, after all..." Grey smiled. He was surprised when his sister actually started laughing. "Okay, it wasn't that funny."

"What?" she asked, looking up.

"What the hell are you doing, text the guy!"

"Sorry, we've just been sending these motorcycle memes to each other with Drake, look, this one is really funny..."

"Yeah, I am sure it's hilarious, can you do it later? I need a venue by two days ago."

"That's not my fault that you're so late to your own party," Rachel shook her head. "Okay, what do you want me to ask, how many people were you thinking of?"

"50 or so. And it's not my party, it's Thomas'."

Grey was looking at his sister expectantly for 2 minutes, while she was texting Robbie.

"He says his uncle owns a place there, it's good for 100 people tops and he can get it for 50% off, but he wants to come."

"Okay," Grey sighed. "Let it be, then. We will invite this Robbie person and travel to the other end of the state, anything for Thomas."

"I can do a few rounds of transfer, depending how many people will need a ride," Greg volunteered.

"Awesome, thanks, Dad!"

"Don't mention it, you guys should celebrate these years properly. I really hope you will be in a better condition than after Cato's birthday, though. Being the main organizer and stuff."

"There's just one question left, then," Grey said and sat back on his chair. "Strippers or no strippers?"


Thomas went inside his mother's house in Willowsbay. He tried to minimize the time he spent there, he rather stayed in the dorms or sometimes he slept at his friends when he visited his hometown. But it was his birthday that day, so he had to pay a visit.

"Hey, mom," he said as he entered.

Ashley came down the stairs wearing a revealing blach dress. She was adjusting her earring.

"Hey, Tommie," she said and checked herself out in the mirror.

"You are going out, I guess."

"Yes, we have a lunch-date with Christopher," she answered. "I don't know when I'm coming home. You'll find some lasagne in the fridge for lunch."

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now