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Drake was sitting in his room in his parents' house, trying to concentrate on working.

He tried to write but it was very hard for him to focus, his thoughts constantly wandered somewhere else. He had been falling behind with some papers he had to do for school, for multiple reasons. Partly, because of what made him want to stay away from the case in the first place, and partly, because he did get involved in it anyway. It had been more than a week since they visited Pedro, but there was radio silence ever since. Drake wasn't sure what to do about it, a part of him told him to lay low, but another, proud voice inside his head pushed him not to leave it at that.

He was deep in his thoughts so he was startled when his phone suddenly rang. He saw on the screen that it was Grey.

"What now, Hawthorne?"

"Technically, yes, but try again."

"Rachel!" Drake switched to a friendlier tone. "I thought it was your brother."

"I know. The boys wanted to call you to come to the Grill, I told them I'd convince you."

"Oh, and how are you gonna convince me?" he smiled and got up from the computer to sit on the couch instead.

"Come to the Grill, please?"

"Do I look so easy to convince?" Drake laughed. "I would come, but I have to work."

"That's fine, we'll still be here in half an hour."

"It's not like that now. I have a lot on my plate, it's going a lot slower than usually."

"Then maybe you could use some chill time? A few drinks?"

"Maybe some chill time. Definitely not drinks. I'm going driving."

"Oh, in the end you'll be the one to thank me for the opportunity to show off. So, see you in 10 or so?"

"Or so. More like half an hour, I might take a shower and stuff."

They hang up and Drake really did take a shower and put on his new shirt. He got on his motorbike and drove to the Grill. Just when he was about to enter, the door of the Grill suddenly swung open and a security guard basically threw out Grey and another guy that Drake didn't know. The other guy's nose appeared to be broken, at least it seemed like that based on the amount of blood that was flooding from it. He walked away the minute he was out the door. "Hey, what the hell happened?" Drake rushed up to Grey.

"Nothing. I gave this shithead what he deserved and threw me out for fighting" he grunted.

"Did you break his nose?"

"Yes. He fucking deserved it. He was coming on to Rachel and she said no but this motherfucker still kissed her and they threw me out."

"Did you seriously just break a guy's nose for kissing your sister?!"

"Didn't you hear that she didn't want it?! He could have raped her! What was I supposed to do?!"

"I never said you shouldn't have stopped him," Drake seriously doubted that highschool guy would have raped Rachel in the middle of a bar but he definitely agreed that he should have been in jail. "But was punching him really necessary?"

"Are you pro-rape or something?!"

"No, I just know Rachel and she must be pretty embarrassed right now so if you don't mind I'll go check on her," Drake sighed and entered the bar.

'Why would she feel..." Grey asked but Drake didn't hear the end of the sentence. Inside the bar, Thomas and Cato were still talking about the fight and Rachel just came out of the ladies room. If anything, she looked annoyed.

"Are you okay?" Drake stepped to her immediately.

"Yeah, it was just... really embarrassing. Can we go somewhere and... talk?"

Drake nodded and the two of them left the bar again. Grey was still standing outside, obviously waiting for something.

"Here you are, at last!" he said. "Let's go somewhere else, this place sucks."

"Grey, I really do love you and I know you wanted to best but I'd really like to go somewhere quiet with Drake right now," Rachel sighed. "This was way too much drama for me for tonight"

"Rach, he wanted to..."

"He was a douche, but I was handling it. But I really do appreciate you being protective of me, it's nice of you. Just, next time could you do it a little ... less theatrical with less people watching?"

"Yeah," Grey sighed. "I will try. Why would you want to go anywhere with Drake, though?"

"Because Santana is not here and I'd really love to just talk to a friend right now."

Drake's stomach sunk as she said the word 'friend', even though his mind told him it was a nice thing to be. They started walking and Grey didn't follow. Rachel was headed towards the riverbank. They didn't say a word all along, only when they sat down at the dam did he ask her.

"What happened, after all?"

"Basically nothing" she sighed. "Tony was a little... pushy. But I mean, he was drunk, he didn't mean any harm. He just... kissed me and Grey went psycho. He came up to us and started shouting and then he hit him and everybody was staring and I felt like a stupid bitch in a ridiculous movie, I just stood there watching two guys fighting about me and it was the most embarrassing moment ever."

"Has that really never happened to you before? I mean... with Grey being your brother I would have thought you are used to these kind of scenes by now."

"No, usually he controls himself. He always freaks out whenever I date someone and also, I remember Noel, but I wasn't there to watch... The most dramatic thing he did was when he dragged me... well, from under you," Rachel laughed. She was beautiful. "But that was ages ago. He hadn't done anything like this ever since."

"He just loves you" Drake shrugged. "I don't know what I would do if I had a sister. Maybe the same."

"Dray, you do have a sister."

"Biologically. But if I had one for real."

Rachel shook her head, disapproving.

"Anyway. Thanks for coming here with me. I just really felt stupid in there after this."

"It's my pleasure," Drake put his arm around her shoulder. "Am I a good vice-Santana?"

"You're an awesome vice-Santana," she laughed. "Do you know how you could make it even better?"

Drake looked at her expectantly.

"Could you take me home? I have Tony's beer all over my clothes."

"Of course," he smiled. "Your carriage awaits."

They walked back to the Harley and they saw that Grey and the guys were not there anymore. They must have gone to another place – which must have been the Exit bar since there was no other facility like that in town. They got on the bike and five minutes later they were at the Hawthorne house.

"Thanks," Rachel smiled as she got off the bike. "I'll be forever grateful."

„I might take you up on that," he smiled gently.

„Oh yes? And what will be the favor I'll need to do?"

„I'll be generous and I'll come up with something you are also not gonna hate."

"Good, let me know" Rachel tiptoed and kissed Drake's cheek. "Have fun at the party."

"I wasn't gonna go back to..."

"Grey won't be happy with you if you don't," she smiled while she walked up to the stairs leading to the door.

"Grey is not my boss."

"Isn't he now?" Rachel smirked and opened the door. "Goodnight, Dray."

"He is not my boss!" Drake shouted after her, smiling.

"We'll see," he heard her voice from behind the closed door and he heard her lock it from the inside and greet her parents. He put on his helmet and drove away.

Bros with benefits - Toddlers at the FBIWhere stories live. Discover now