Psychological study

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Lakko Warner walked into the therapy office. Doctor Otto Scratchansniff looked up from his files, seemingly confused. He questioned, "Vou vook vike a Warner but I have never seen vou before?" Lakko walked over to a table with crayons and paper, replying with happy blankiness, "I'm new. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot got me from Disneyland." Scratchansniff blinked in confusion but ultimately accepted this fact, he asked politely, "Vhat is your name?" The youngest Warner kicked her feet happily as she drew on a paper with some crayons. She answered with the same dead cheer, "My name is Lakko. I am 4 and half years old. I'm a girl." All the while she drew. The therapist calmly walked over to her, sitting down at the table. For a moment he watched her draw, finally testing, "Vat are you drawing, Lakko?" The green overalls stopped, then holding up her drawing with pride. She smiled hopefully and explained, "It's my family. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot." The doctor looked over the picture, nodding himself a little bit. He attempted to be mannerly, "It's a good drawing. But why aren't you in it?"

She frowned, staring at him with nothing in her eyes. Lakko seemingly ignored this and went to drawing another picture. The white coat quizzed again, "What are you drawing now?" For a moment, Lakko Warner was unsure and didn't answer. Then she answered honestly, "It's lemons and limes and sunflowers." Otto Scratchansniff offered a small smile and tried to not move too quickly, "Why are you drawing that?" This seemed to not set off whatever happened earlier because she remarked joyfully, "Because it's things I like." The psychologist took a brief look at her. She was wearing a green bow with a sunflower in it and bell bottom, green, overalls that had sunflowers, smiley faces, a sun, and lemons painted on. He noted in curiosity, "I see." The first picture lay in front of him. It was so standard a art style of a child, only showing Yakko, Wakko, Dot, the water tower, and a smiling sun. The adult man pointed out, "Vou draw tings vou vike, yes?" She nodded, still doodling sunflowers and lemons. The toon child commented, "My big brothers and sister said you would let me draw so I came here... May I have juice and a snack?"

He nodded, pressing a button on a device which he speaks into, "Wurse? Nurse, one of the Warners are here. She would like apple juice and a cookie." It wasn't an unreasonable request, unlike the ones Wakko and Yakko offen made. So the Nurse came in, one plate of cookies and a box of apple juice. The doctor thanked her, "Thank you, Nurse." She waved a welcome to him, leaving to get back to others. When he turned back to his patient, he was surprised to find her blushing and avoiding looking where the nurse was. The young lady stated, "She's pretty." The words were stilled like she was afraid to be judged for saying them. He chuckled at how mild mannered they were, "Yes, and she very smart too." The little girl continued to drawing sunflowers, drinking from her juice box.

Dr. Otto Scratchansniff pointed out, "You are very well behaved for a Warner." Lakko Warner ate a cookie, drank some juice, and admitted, "My siblings don't like that, they say I'm easily manipulated." Dr. Scratchansniff puzzled over this new information a minute. During this time, Lakko drew another picture but it was of Baloney the Dinosaur. The psychologist asked, "Vould vou vike to vook at some inkblots and vell me vhat vou see?" The youngest Warner stared blankly at him and then nodded before taking a cookie. They walked over to his desk. They both took a seat, the man got some papers of inkblots from a drawer in his desk. He held up a picture for her to see. It looked like an octopus eye to me. He asked, "Vat do vou see?" Lakko stared then spoke, "An hourglass." Scratchansniff put the picture down and held up another. It looked like death to me. She answered, "It's the scientists from the Disney Laboratories." Otto paused a second before putting down the picture and holding up another. The picture looked like a house or box to me. "It's the bad place where the bad things happen." Lakko Warner replied to a question not asked.

Otto Scratchansniff was uneasy as he put down the paper and held up another paper. It was vaugly the Disney Logo. Lakko laughed at ease, "Oh that's just Uncle Mickey and..." Then she started screaming as if in horror. The chair fell over, the toon went scrambling backwards. He immediately slapped the paper down to stop whatever reaction was happening. Lakko Warner was curled in a corner, crying and repeating words that couldn't be clearly identified. The adult went over to her, trying to see what was wrong and maybe hear what she was saying. However when he got too close, she suddenly acted as if he was going to hurt her. She held up her arm in a protective position and then tried clawing at the wall to escape. Still mumbling something in a frightened way. Yet Otto got no closer as he only stared at her. There was a small logo printed or burned into the back of her neck. It was a sight he could only stare at.

Of Course, he was a professional so he called in Hello Nurse to deal with this. The Nurse saw what was happening and went over, expecting to be clawed. Instead the child cligh to her, crying and hugging tightly.

At some point, Yakko Warner called to check on his sister and had to pick her up to bring her back to the water tower. When questioned, Yakko couldn't tell what exactly happened at the Disney Laboratories as he and his siblings only broke in then broke out to get Lakko. Why and how that took 22 years was left unexplained.

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