Mickey Mouse comes to vist

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There was a knock at the water tower door. Yakko Warner went to the door and opened it. He grumbled tiredly, "Oh it's you. Lakko is watching Baloney the Dinosaur, she's been watching it for an hour... Please make it stop." The visitor came in, waving a gloved hand to assure it won't be a problem. Yakko stepped aside to allow in. The guest continued into the water tower. Lakko Warner sat in front of the television, staring into the screen as if dead. The man stepped up to her, starting, "Lakko?" She went wide eyed, turning to him. The youngest Warner cheered, "Uncle Mickey!"

He switched off the TV, offering, "How about we talk for a bit?" There was something off about how he spoke. Like he was ashamed. The adult man sat in a nearby chair. The littlest Warner got in his lap and babbled, "Uncle Mickey it's been so long. Why didn't you bring Auntie Minnie?" He took out a comb and starting brushing her, questioning, "Has Bugs visited you?" The little girl kicked her feet as she thought about it. After a moment, she answered, "No? Uncle Bugs and Uncle Daffy haven't visited yet. I hope they do." This made him pause a second, then he continued to brush her fur.

"I should call them. They were supposed to be taking care of you." The mammalian pointed out. Something in his voice was unhappy with the scene he found her in. The green Warner commented, "I'm being taken care of. Yakko and Wakko and Dot are taking care of me." She was confused but happy to see him. There was silence for a moment. The mammal sighed, "I guess." The green, bellbottoms, overalls spoke up, "Uncle Mickey, are you upset because Yakko, Wakko, and Dot took me away from the bad place?" He shaked his head and answered, "No no. It was better they did. I should have done more."

The mouse stared into that blacked out image of himself on the back of her neck. At first he seemed as if he'd vomit at the sight, then he seemed absolutely in tears, then he seemed as dead as Lakko's smiley face stare. The little toon laughed, "Oh Uncle Mickey! You always so Kingdom about me, why don't you ever smile and sing like in your funny pictures?" He chuckled and patted her head.

Somewhere in the background, The Brain spoke to Pinky, "After that rat traitor stops grooming our meal ticket, we should prepare Lakko for tonight." Pinky paused his placing cheese on a cracker, he turned halfway to ask, "What are we doing tonight, Brain?" The Brain closed the entrance to the pillow blanket nest fort, sighing, "The same thing we do every night." Brain turned around to face Pinky as he boldly declared, "Try to take over the world!!"

And so we close out with a saxophone playing a cover of Pinky, Lakko, and The Brain as the sun sets on the WB water tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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