mommy's girl - Scarlett Johansson

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Pov: you are Scarlett Johansson's 2 year old daughter who is very big mommy's girl and won't leave your mum alone and follow her around all morning long like a little shadow

Scarlett: 39

Colin: 41

Rose: 15

Cosmo: 10

Yn: 2

Y/n's pov:

I woke up really early this morning because I wanted my mama I stood up in my crib and started shouting mama, I had my bunny in my hand and leaned over and accidentally dropped it on the floor which caused me to get upset and I started crying really loud hoping that it would wake up my mama and daddy but after a while they didn't come and I started crying even louder because I wanted my mummy.

After what seemed like years my mama finally opened my door I got a bit happier but I wanted out and I really wanted my bunny.

Scarlett pov:

This morning I was woken up at 6:30 by my 2 year old daughter crying in her room, I was very surprised she had woken up so early she normally wakes up at around 7:30.
Lately she is being very clingy and only wanting me to pick her up which is not normally like her, but I don't mind that she wants more cuddles with me, my two older kids Rose and Cosmo never want cuddles with me anymore which is understandable as they are getting older and probably don't want their mother invading their privacy.

Anyway after I heard my daughter crying I got out of bed carefully trying not to wake up Colin who was asleep peacefully. I walk out of our room and down the hallway over to y/n's nursery and opened the door to reveal her standing up in her crib tears streaming down her cheeks, her nose all red. My heart broke seeing my baby cry it makes me feel like I'm not doing something right.

Scarlett: "oh sweetheart what's the Matter?" I cooed at her

Y/n: "mama" she cried reaching her arms out for me to pick her up

Scarlett: "oh come here baby mama is here" I picked her up and she placed her head in the crook of my neck

I grabbed her favourite teddy which was a little bunny she has had since she was born and she has loved it ever since and never goes anywhere without it whether it's to the park or my parents house it never leaves her. I also grabbed her little blanket and pacifier which was on the floor, which is probably why she was crying her little heart out.

Scarlett: "should we go downstairs and get something to eat to fill up that little tummy of yours" i started tickling her belly and she giggled so much

Y/n: "yws mama" she said with her cute little baby Voice

We walked downstairs quietly trying not to wake up everyone else, once we got downstairs and into the kitchen I tried to sit y/n in her highchair whilst I went to cook food but she clung onto my pajama shirt
Like a koala bear which I found funny.

Scarlett: "sweetheart you need to let go of mama and sit in your chair so I can make some Breakfast"

Y/n: "Nwooo" as she said that she grabbed on tighter to my shirt but luckily I was able to take her off and place her in the chair.

I placed her in the chair which I think was a mistake because she cried so loud I heard Colin come down the stairs looking at me like "what Is up with her"

Colin's pov:

I was peacefully sleeping when I felt my wife Scarlett get out of bed but at first I didn't know why until I heard our daughter crying for her mum which is normal in the morning but I looked at my clock and saw it was 6:30 which was unusual for y/n to wake up this early but I looked on the baby monitor and saw she had dropped her bunny which Is why she was upset.

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff daughter one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now