moody teen - Romanogers

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Request from -LUVMARVEL

You have Been moody all day to the team and Natasha has had enough of it and yells at you and your punishment is to do training with her at 5:30 each morning and go for runs with your dad (Steve)


Y/n: 15

Natasha: 37

Y/n pov:

Today I woke up really moody I didn't know why I just did but I had to get up because I was starving. I was planning on sitting in my room watching movies all day in my pajamas, but I knew my mom would want me to Train with her and my dad steve would want me to go on a run with him and I can't be assed. It sucks having both parents as avengers because you get pressured by people to be like my parents but it's hard.

I walked downstairs and saw my parents and the rest of the team at the breakfast table. I went and sat in between my mum and my dad which I didn't want to do but had to because they forced me out of bed to eat which I'm not going to do because I'm really not hungry.

The food got passed out and I had a mixture of fruit and a croissant on my plate but I just sat there not eating it, my mum gave me a look to say 'eat it' but I just didn't want to. She leant over and whispered in my ear very angrily "y/n I'm not going to tell you again eat your food Now! " , I still sat there refusing to pick up my food but to make things worse my dad decided to make a comment very loudly in front of everyone which pissed me off even more and I just yelled at everyone to Leave me alone and I raced upstairs slamming my door.

Natasha's pov:

Lately Y/n has been giving me and Steve so much attitude more to me because I've been home alot with her because I wasn't needed for missions just paper work whereas Steve has been on lots more missions lately so he hasn't had to deal with her moods but I have and some days I just get really annoyed with her that I can't deal with them on my own and because Steve isn't here I take my anger out on her and we have been having so many arguments and it just keeps getting worse we don't have a normal conversation anymore it's always just shouting at each other and I want my happy girl back not some moody teenager.

The thing that made me the most angry was when all I asked her to do was eat her breakfast and she refused and I asked her again and she still refused but my blood boiled even more when she shouted at her dad and stormed up stairs slamming the door which tipped me over the edge I was done with her attitude, I turned to look at Steve and he just nodded his head and we both stormed upstairs ready to confront our teenage daughter about her behaviour.

I tried to open the door but I realized it was locked which annoyed me even more Y/n has been told many times by me and her dad she is not allowed to lock her door. I started Banging on the door "Y/n open the door now!" I started shouting at her which only resulted in her screaming "NO" at me , this only made both me and Steve really angry.

Steve's pov:

"Y/N ALINOVA ROMANOFF OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!" I scream which got her attention and she decided to open her door which surprised me because even tho she is a mummy's girl towards Nat and nats more scary then I am , I'm happy she opened the door because I'm fed up of fighting with her and I think she is starting to realize.

The door fully opened and I could see my little girl was stood there with red puffy eyes from crying. I hugged her and both nat and I entered the room and shut the door to talk privately to our daughter without the others hearing.

We sat on the bed hugging our daughter who was crying in our arms who won't stop apologizing for her attitude towards us, you see since y/n was little every time she would always apologize for something she did but wouldn't stop apologizing because she always thought me and Nat were always mad at her for it which we weren't but she thought we were.

"Y/n me and your mum aren't happy with your attitude towards us lately and we really need you to cut it out" I explained to her which made her a bit upset but she understood where I was coming from.

"I'm sorry mum and dad I've been treating you like crap I really am I don't know why I have been so awful to you both I'm really really sorry can you forgive me" she looked visibly really upset so nat pulled her into a hug.

"Language" I said to her because she said the word crap and I don't like her swearing.

Whilst nat hugged her she said " hunny we both forgive you and we love you so much but the way you have treated us lately was unacceptable and you will have a punishment for your behaviour". Once Nat had said that y/n was getting a punishment she knew she was going to get one but was really nervous on what it was going to be and so was I, both nat and I grew up in harsh places and conditions but we try not to give her horrible punishments but we settled on one she can have which isn't harsh but it will teach her a lesson.

"Ok y/n your mum and I decided on a punishment for you and I know you probably aren't going to like it but it's what we have chosen and you are going to have to do it otherwise you will get a much worse punishment ok , your mum and I have decided you will do training with your mum every morning at 5:30 and you will do it for two hours each day and you will also go on runs with me in the afternoon is that clear"

She looked upset but she went to protest but saw the look her mum and I were giving her but decided to not say anything which was good.

After two weeks her punishment was over she got up when asked to and did her punishment with both her mum and I , nats training was harder than mine which made y/n really tired every day but we saw an improvement in her behaviour and she wasn't moody or shouting at us anymore which was good and we were one happy family again.

1167 words

Thank you so much for being patient with the stories I am trying my hardest to write alot and will be working hard to update more and create more stories if you have any ideas or one shots for this book please comment them or dm me your ideas and I will do them for you xx

Please let me know if you think this is good or not I'm not the best at writing stories let me know what you think about the stories

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