12.00 : catch

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"Seola, please turn your fucking alarm off or I swear to god I'm going to-"

"Whoah, don't threaten the child" Minnie interrupted the angry Hana that had just walked into the youngest member's room, throwing a fit. Actually, it was completely understandable. The girls had gotten the first chance to sleep in after a few months and they were woken up by the sound of a never ending alarm clock that was just so loud, that you could hear it in every corner of their apartment.

"Calm down, I'm sorry I forgot to turn it off yesterday."

"Since we're all awake, what about we get ready and get some breakfast at the company's cafeteria for once?" Minnie suggested, clasping her hands together. Her suggestion gained a loyd groan from Hana, clearly annoyed at the fact they had all woken up one hour earlier than they had planned to.

It was currently 7.30 in the morning.

"Well.. the cafeteria makes pancakes every morning. If you rather eat dry cereals at home then that's also fin-" - "Let's get dressed!" Hana interrupted their oldest member, walking towards her room again. It was clear that fresh made pancakes and waffles were better than dry cereals. They didn't even have milk at home anymore.

"That's what I thought.. Alright, everyone get ready" Minnie ordered, following Hana back into their room.

The members each took turns using the bathroom to brush their teeth and freshen up, just like they did every morning. Lastly, they got dressed. Their schedule for today was pretty much empty. The only appointment on their list was a meeting at 2pm, which they had no idea what it was about.

Yein's hands reached down, pulling her short skirt up. She wiggled herself around it a little, adjusting it. Yein used to love wearing skirts back before she was a trainee. That changed as soon as she started to get multiple bruises all over her legs from practice. After debuting, those started to get less and less as the staff had given them knee protection for their dance practices. By now, she had noticed that they were all gone and decided to even wear skirts during her free days again. Yein grabbed a long sleeved shirt, tucking it inside her skirt.

"Yein, are you wearing the prada loafers I gifted you?" Seola, who had been wiggling around her room to put her jeans on, asked."

"Mhm, I think I am but if that's the case, let me grab my leather coat." The youngest responded.

"Let's match then. I'll also wear mine. That way the whole world will see what kind of a good friend I am and hopefully, through magic, Jisung will appear before my doorsteps and ask me to be his friend. Then we'll date and the-"

"I think Jisung can buy his own Prada shoes. NCT members are mad rich." Hana interrupted the younger, skipping through the hallway.

"Let a girl dream!" Seola spit back.

Yein had now grabbed white socks, putting them on, along with her shoes and the coat that hung inside her closet. Her eyes then swiftly changed from the mirror to her phone that had just buzzed nonstop. Her finger immediately swiped across the screen, accepting the call.

"Niki?" Her voice called through the speaker as she held it onto her ear, waiting for an answer.

On the other side of the line she heard a small chuckle, followed by a husky voice: "Did I wake you up?"

"No, but you seem to have just woken up."

"I did" He answered. The background was filled with noises of his members talking across the whole room. Yein then heard the male shift, as the sound of the covers of his bed crumbled.

"Why did you call?" She asked, her voice softening after hearing him yawn on the other line.

"I wanted to wish you a good day. And I'll be waiting for an update on your hair color" He mumbled.

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