fuck I have to unpack

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ugh. the sleeping bag is sweaty. that's so "fuckin gross, man."

rubbing at my half closed eyes, I walked towards the kitchen. the oven clock flashing 12 : 00.




fuck it. I'll just have cereal"


turning around to find the source of the sound, I could make out a faint shape with red dots that resemble eyes, in the doorway of the unlit bathroom. when I tried to focus my eyes on it without my glasses, it blurred, the red eyes seeming to disappear, but when I looked at it in the corner of my eye, it was clear as day.

"mmmmm. fuck. I was gonna cleanse the place anyways, I guess..... no. fuck. get your mutherfucking priorities in order. take care of yourself, then the possibly dangerous spirit."

I take one of the mini cereals out of our grocery bags, grabbing the milk from the cooler, and then I sit down on the cold kitchen floor, and I eat it, while staring directly at the figure.

"hey. I'm y/n. I moved in here with my sister and brother in law. I would like to acknowledge that you may have lived here before us, and that you still dwell here, so I'll be asking the other tenets about things you liked, so I can make an altar for you. if your not the woman who died in this apartment, fuck off. you're not welcome here and we are protected.", I said in increments, while eating.

taking one last bite from my cereal.

"bitch." I picked up the plastic bowl I was hunched over, filled with cereal milk, and chugged it.

then immediately lying down to sleep like a log.

/ys/ got up at, what I guessed was 11 am, proceeding to get herself coffee and make her breakfast.

"Lisa, the janitor lady stopped by to fix our sink a bit. Sounds like she's got a metal head kid."

my face lit up. "wait, seriously! Are you fuckin kidding me! fuck yeaaaah!"

"yeah. I think she said he was your age. maybe a little older."

"I hope he's hawt. he's gonna be hawt isn't he" I spit out, excitement clearly showing on my face. he better not be one of those elitist assholes tho.

"I think Lisa said they live in the basement." y/s passes me the card for the elevator. "oh and our shower isn't working yet, so she said we could use her shower if we needed to."

if he's hot, I don't want to look like a fuckin mess. I decide to head to the bathroom, baby wiping my pits, brushing my teeth, and getting ready, picking a pair of baggy plaid PJ pants and a tank top.

I stop on my way out of the bathroom door, looking into my suitcase at my bag filled with all the temporary bathroom things I've been using on the road.

should I shower there? it's been a while cause of my depressive episode earlier this week.

"why the fuck not," I snatch the clear shower bag out of my suitcase.

pov change

authors comment. fuck capitalization.

"no dude. I'm telling you they're like one of the greatest bands on earth man." waving my arms in the air for extra emphasis.

"Larry. you say that about every band you like"

"yeah. because I'm right." I get up and go back to my easel, painting the person who was in my dream last night.

fuck it's starting to fade in my head. shit shit what happened again? there were hands? and this person? and me and sal, and-and I think doors. lots of doors. yeah man. doors.

"new dream?" sal asked, sitting up from the bed and watching Larry paint.

"yeah dude. this one was weird. I don't get it. We were at this metal concert, and there was this other person there, then it all went sour, and all the other people turned into monsters and started reaching at this person and burning them." he says, pointing to the painting," we ran through door after door and then went into the elevator. then I woke up."

"we should ask Ashley what that would mean." sal said from behind me, sitting over on the bed.

"dude I don't buy into that astrology, dream crap. it makes no sense." Besides im already starting to forget it. all the details are fuzzy.

"idk Larry. I think it'd help."

bam bam bam!

we both jumped.

"holy shit that scared me" my bestie said.

"what the fuck was that!" I walked over to my bedroom door opening it, and hearing coughing outside the apartment door.


I kicked the apartment door in the basement. too lazy to use my hands.

oh fuck that was too loud.

"Sorry! I didn't know it'd be that loud! my bad dude!"

809 words.
I'm lazy and leaving it at that.
have fun!
feedback is appreciated!
I promise the story will get more interesting once the characters interact.

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