Story forty: Chaos Banter (2018)

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A/N: A discontinued snippet of a story I found. Traveling way back to 2018 with this one.




"Light, I'm picking up a crazy strong chaos reading just up North." The voice of a teenage boy she knew all too well rang through the device of Lightning's ear. "Can you feel it?"

"Yeah..." she licked her full lips as a gust of wind tangled up her rose pink hair.

Lightning kneeled atop of one of the tallest buildings an utterly morbid city called Luxerion. She could hear the rustle and bustle of the train station behind her as it went as quickly as it returned. The chattering of voices high and low could've been loud enough to give her a headache. But no... Lightning was far too focused on the chaos pulses she felt throughout her body. She couldn't have been near it, given the fact that she didn't even see the distorted air, but that's what concerned her. How could chaos be so powerful she could feel it practically rush through her veins from afar?

There must be a lot of it...

That was one assumption Lightning sincerely hoped wasn't accurate.

"Just when we thought we were done, huh?" Clad in black armor that curved perfectly around her slim body, the woman steadily rose from her kneel. "This chaos sure has great timing."

"Yeah, really," the earpiece snorted. "A couple days before the end of the world is the perfect time for a grand entrance, isn't it?"

Our savior couldn't hold back a small grin. "You said it, Hope."

End of story forty 




Thank you for all who stuck with me through the crazy journey of this book, as well as for brightening up my teenage years, haha. Sharing these stories would not have given me as much joy without your support, and I couldn't have written these at all without the family who inspired me -- thank you so, so much. 

Thank you also to all who continue to read and enjoy this book today. I hope it's able to bring a smile to your face, in one way or another.

- f, 2024

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