chapter 22

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  Elena was coming down from the stairs and she was looking very very sad.Suddenly she stopped after five stairs.Everyone was suprised and Mrs Winget who was standing besides her told her to continue but she didn't pay attention as she was lost in other world.Then,Jack stood from the chair he was sitting and started walking.

"i've told you once that if you don't marry me i'll grab your hand and will force you to marry me"

Elena started sobbing...

"Do you even know how much i love you? I love you to the moon and back.I have always wanted that you to be mine and i am obsessed with you ,you know?I love you very very much Elena . I love you"

Jack became emotional...

Then Elena said:

"Jack, you are good,very good.Any girl can fall for you but i'm not sure to be yours because i've always loved STEPHAN . He was my first and last love. Even if i marry you, i won't be able to give you the love that a husband expect from his wife and i will always love Stephan "

Stephan was listening quietly and he was secretly wipping his tears away...

Then Jack said:

" Elena , keep quiet and stop crying"

"Then what should i do,said Elena very rudely.

"shut up,let me talk.You have a very bad habit ,you talk,talk but never me finish my sentence"

"ok and sorry for talking so rude"

"it's ok,i kept telling you how much i love you but Stephan loves many many more than me.I guarantee you"

Suddenly there was a great smile on everybody's face...

"What have you just said? she sounded very shocked.

"What you heard,yes.I know Stephan will always love . I can do anything for your happiness and for even a small smile of yours.

Stephan was like a dumb,he kept listening but didn't say anything...

"what are you saying Jack" said Elena.

" i'm just saying the truth.When the small Elena,the daughter of Stephan came and talked to me then i realised that Stephan loves you and when he came to speak with you in your room,i heard everything.When he left the room he was crying and i knew that it was true love. And see,he pointed to Stephan,he's still crying"

Everybody laughed...

"Thank you so so much Jack for giving me my reason to live, thank you.I'm indebited to you,thanks "

After that very phrase of Elena,she ran to Stephan and hugged him.She married with Stephan ... And Jack got a girlfriend a week later.


i'm really sad to tell you that this was the last chapter of Love Triangle. Thank you so much for supporting me ... Luv U gUys a lot. Bye

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