The Love of Sibling Rivalry

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I walk down the hall of the orphanage. I never thought that I would be adopted, I just thought that when I was 18 I would just leave the orphanage. As I walk into the office to see who is my new family, I'm shocked what? How could she possibly.. I'm distracted from my thoughts with a question from the woman standing in the office just 2 feet away. "Hello love" she says, Anne Cox!!! I have always been a directioner ever since 2010 but no never would I ever expect to actually be adopted by Anne Cox!!! "H-h-i" I manage to stutter. I mean why would she, out of everyone, she, adopt me she lives in England I live in Louisville, Kentucky. "Elizabeth" mrs. Piggons starts, "Anne is going to be taking you home with her after you get your things". Wait!! What?!? I'm going to live in England London fucking England!!!!!


Hi please tell me what you thought of my first chapter I know it's short but I hope you like it please comment or like or just let me know what you think please!!!

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