Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The car ride home was awkward and almost completely silent with a few questions from Anne. When we got to her hotel where she was staying in Kentucky, we walked in and there standing right in front of me was my five idols. I couldn't move I was in shock, Harry walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug because, well I'm his sister now. "Hello, Elizabeth. I'm Harry, I'm so happy to have you as a sister now!!" Harry told me as if I lived under a rock and didn't know who he was, "hi Harry. I know who you are and I am in shock because you will be my brother." I barely say. Then my all time favorite, Niall walks up to me, "hi Elizabeth!" He starts, "you are going to love your new family". I reply "I know I will, my life will change forever !!" I am actually shocked and weirded out because well I've thought about raping Harry Styles for like ever and now he's my brother!! "I think we should pack our bags, then head to the airport to go home." Says Anne as she walks out of the room.


Hi that was chapter two please tell me if its good or not. Also I will be making more fan fictions after this so yea please give me feedback!! Love ya!!.xx

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