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I hate unpacking. I got the biggest room in the house and it has an ocean view, then outside of my room through double doors is my own personal pool. That's about the only good thing that came out of moving.

"Honey hurry up your gonna be late for your first day of school"
I have to go to some school called "Lakewood High School"
"I'm hurrying. Can I borrow the car"
We have a mustang convertible and my mom promised that once we moved I could drive it cause dads gonna buy a new car.
"Not today I have to use it"
"How am I supposed to get to school, cause I'm not walking on my first day of school"
Please don't say you'll drive me
"I'll drive you I have to fill out paperwork at your school today anyways"
Ugh why does she always do this to me. It's so embarrassing.
" Ok fine just hurry up"


When we finally got to school it was 9:30 which meant that classes have been going for like an hour and a half. If it's your first day at a new school you definitely do not want to arrive after classes have been going.

"Ahh you must be Alexis Tanner"
"Yes ma'am, if you don't mind may I get my schedule and get to class and my mom fill out all the paperwork"
"Sorry but you see you haven't registered yet so we'll have to get you in the system before you have a schedule, you'll be able to go to classes here tomorrow"
"ok well mom in going home ill just walk, see you there"
Of course this would happen to me, the one time I look normal then they send me home.

Kelsey: Hey are your classes any good?

Lexi: Idk they sent me home until I'm officially in the system.

Kelsey: Well at least your not still here me and you would have had no classes together not even the same lunch.

Lexi: Ok well I gotta go have fun and don't forget about me.

Kelsey: I don't think I could even if I tried. Later.

I hope I make some friends this year and maybe it's not to late to join the cheerleading team. I just can't believe I got up at 5 am and didn't even go to school. Maybe this means that my first real day of school dad will let me drive the car!!!


"Hey mom I'm gonna go buy a new swimsuit, can I use the car"
Please say yes, please say yes.
"Yeah sure, the keys are in the car, which is in the garage. Don't hit anything your father would have a mini panic attack"
" I won't thanks mom, love you, later"
I cannot believe she said yes. The mall was about 5 miles down the road so I started jamming out to the radio. I was almost to the mall when I hit a red light and then a car full of what looked like football players started honking the horn and whistling at me.
"Hello there beautiful you must not be from around here but no worry we'll show you around"
Does he seriously think I'm that stupid
"No thanks I'm pretty sure I can find my way around just fine"
"Ok well can I at least get your number?"
"Yeah sure it's.... Like none of your business, bye."
I cannot believe that guy thought I'd be so stupid as to give him my number.


I finally got to the mall, it was huge compared to the one at home, well my old home. I ended up getting lost and of course the boys from the car would be at the mall.
"Fancy seeing you here, are you lost or did you miss me already"
"Yes I definitely followed you here to act lost in front of you, even though I don't know you"
"What can I say the ladies can't resist me"
He is so self centered he thinks that just because I came to the mall that I'm following him.
"Look I just wanna know where a swimsuit store is can you just show me, please"
"Hmm I could, but first do you have your own pool or private beach"
"Yeah, why"
"Ill show you if you let me and the guys come over and swim, deal"
My mom would never let me do this but I really want a new swimsuit and at least technically I would have friends here.
"Ok deal now show me the store"
I finally got to the store and I got the cutest bikini ever.

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