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So it was my official first day of school. I got my schedule and I had ok looking classes. There was only one class I absolutely could not stand and that was art. I don't like art because I can't draw a stick figure much less make a sculpture.

I walked into my first class and there he was Kyle, Tanner, and Zach
" Hey long time no see Lexi"

"Kyle you saw me yesterday"

"Who is that, babe you know I don't like you talking to weird looking girls it'll ruin our reputation"
said a perky stuck up blonde girl.
"Ashley chill she let us use her pool, she's actually pretty cool"

"Kyle we don't won't her to think she can talk to us"

"Ashley shut up this is exactly why I dumped you"
After that she walked away. It was actually really funny.
" Sorry about that Ashley has a........dislike for girls that look hotter than her"
I didn't mean to but I blushed and it actually happens quite often especially around guys I like
"Aww look she's blushing"

"Shut up I blush when I get nervous"

"Well what are you nervous about"
Its obvious it's you but I can't just say that then he'll know and he has a girlfriend.
"Well now that's none of your business"

"Ok class no more talking let's get started, and miss Alexis a word please"

"Um sir I prefer to go by Lexi if you don't mind"

"No problem, now do you know anyone in here"

"Yes sir"

"Ok who"

"Kyle, Zach and Tanner"
Oh no don't say it, don't you dare say.....
" Kyle can you be miss Lexis work partner"

"Oh of course, no problem here"
Why me, c'mon he could have said anyone and he says Kyle. My first day and I already have an enemy, now I might have my first fight ever on my first day of school with a girl I hardly even know.
"Sir, I can work with anyone I don't have to know them"

"Kyle's P.O.V."
Does she not want to work with me. Did I do something wrong. Maybe it's because of what Ashley said, or maybe it was what I didn't say to defend her.
" Sir, I don't have a partner anymore it's no trouble for me to work with her, and plus everyone else already has a partner, we don't need to make things complicated."
He can't say no now he has to say yes......doesn't he
"Okay Mr. Kyle you've made your case and I agree, Miss. Lexi meet your partner for the year."
I hope she's not upset. I didn't mean to make it where she didn't get a choice I mean I did, but at the same time I didn't.

Class was officially started and Ashley was giving Lexi the death stare. Once Lexi noticed she scooted farther away from me. I felt really bad, but what could I do.

After about 10 minutes of Mr. Ryan's lesson he finally got to the part where we get to work with partners.
" Ok Lexi you ready to do this?"

"Yeah I guess so"
She looks really nervous and she kept looking over her back at Ashley.

" So what exactly are we supposed.......ouch what was that, Kyle are you throwing stuff at me?"

"No what are you talking about"
I looked back and noticed Ashley and her crew ( Sarah and Jane) throwing pencils at Lexi.
"Ashley stop throwing stuff"

"Oh c'mon Kyle it's funny and you know it"

"No it's not just stop"

"What's up with you lately, your acting really weird."
Who does she think she is. We broke up last time exactly because of her bullying other girls that she thought I liked. I mean I really like Lexi, but I would never admit, at least not now.
"I'm not acting weird I'm just tired of you messing with every girl that I talk to, seriously are you wanting to break up cause it seems like that's what your asking for"

"No I love you I just don't like you talking to her, she's not like us, which means she cant hang with us either"
Just forget it Kyle she'll never understand, just do your work and don't do something you'll regret. I just wonder if I broke up with her if I would regret it, I mean I could finally be free again, hang out with who I want to.

"Lexi I'm sorry about her just ignore it"

"It's okay Kyle I know what her game is, and I can play it better"

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