chapter 1

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"AKEMI KINGSLEY NIGHTSHADE!" the name echoed off the empty street and the young man who yelled it was running after a girl with ginger hair and dark frelcked skin the girl froze and turned having a sense that she was in trouble " yeah richard long?" she said with a laugh as the young man with brown hair and blue eyes ran to a halt they smiled and hugged one another and with a yell the boy said " happy birthday bestie" she laughed and turned a soft pink she didnt tell anyone else at her school it was her birthday and other students were walking down the street " shut up i dont wanna make a big deal are you coming over tonight ?" she had asked her irish accent was easy to hear in globe arizon and she was a target for bullying because of it yet she didnt allow it to bother her not like how it bothered richard. the two were bestfriends they met 15 years ago that day when her parents had forced her to move there away from her friends, Richard long was the only person in the entire school who was diffrent like her she felt like she had moved into a school of robots if that was easy to believe. The young girl and boy continued their walk down the road away from their highschool talking like they usually did turning the corner down an ally to a shortcut they liked to use when they wanted to take a longer to get home. they walked and talked as they cut through the woods to get to Akemis house even though she was strictly forbidden to go through the woods at any time or any place her parents were scared of bears and many other things. when they got to the giant brick building in a clearing the ducked and snuck around it to the street making ure not to get caught yet again that week. the two walk into the house and set their things dow " mom dad im home richards here" akemi yelled at the top of her lungs and with that a man in cargo pants and a tshirt ran out of the kitchen and around the corner " hello adam... i mean mr nightshade " richard said and waved and the man stared and laughed" hey kids uhm go outsie and play please?" he said looking paniced and out of breath but when the two went to protest his pericing green eyes told them not to thy turned and headed out the door " oh mr.nightshade can mortica...i mean mrs.nightshade make lemonaded please?" richard asked and adam shooed them out both children laughed and went to the back yard looking at the woods" so what do you think those two are doing to keep us out the house?" richard asked and akemi laughed as each went back and fourth with ridculious answers trying to keep occupied at one point akemi noticed richard staring at her directly in the eye and she laughed" what ?" she asked and hit him he laughed" nothing i jut never noticed the purple in your eyes they are normally so dark green" he said and she turned red and stood" shit i forgot to do something " she said and ran inside breathing heavily as she slammed the door adam her father ran to her " what in the hell is with the dor slamming are you okay?" he asked he was covered in glitter from head to toe but when he saw akemis dissapointed look he shook it off and bent down" whats wrong sweetie?" he asked and she began to tear up " my contacts are thinning richy allmost saw my real eye colour " she said and ran to the bathroom grabbing a new pack of eye green eyecontacts and opening them taking her origional ones out and before she put new ones in she stared at the deep violet color of her iris then she looked down at the necklace she wore she never took it off she smiled as it comforted her putting in her contacts she took a deep breath flashing back to the first time she had to wear contacts. she was five and bullied heavily an her parents were judged for a having a child with violet eyes as her other birthmark was a butterfly on her chest she didnt quite know what to call her eyes so she hid them ever since, especially when she was ten and they told her she was adopted she was ashamed and rather everyone believe she was their actual kid she chose her fathers eye color since she already had ginger hair like her mother it didnt bother her to change anything else. for years akemi kept it a secret from her friends and anyone she met she wasn't going to let that secret out today of all days, especially not to Richard. She fixed her contacts and walked into the living room to see her friend waving at her and her parents with a cake in hand she smiled as they sang happy birthday to her. After celebrating she had took a shower to get the mess of glitter that Richard poured on her out of her hair as she did Richard left to go and see if he could spend the night. Obvious answer was no. When she got out of the shower her parents were waiting in the living room for her which she felt was suspicious at first but when she sat down to see a box in front of her and her parents dark eyes she sighed " time for another secret?" She asked and they nodded as she opened the box she saw a cloth splitter with red and with her name Akemi stitched in what she thought was fake golden thread when she pulled the blanket up to get a closer look a necklace fell from it " what is this ?" She asked and looked at them and akemis mother sighed " you aren't adopted, well you are. Fifteen years ago today at midnight in Ireland i found you on our door step, you were wrapped in that and you were wearing that necklace, i was told to look after you and keep it a secret until time was right " she said smiling as her hand gradually moved back to her shoulder as she coughed. Adam Akemis father smiled and held his wife close as he looked at his daughter who stared at them in confusion " our friend Kingsley had been found dead in town square the next morning he was mailed by a wolf poor thing so we named you after him as well " he smiled and looked from akemi to his wife and then at the clock as if he was waiting for someone. Akemi stared at them and smiled " oh good to know, Uhm" she trailed off and looked to the necklace it was a silver chain and an old pendent with a jewl covered in dirt, akemi pocketed the necklace and yawned " I'm gonna head to bed night!" She said and headed to bed taking the small cloth with her as she headed up the stairs she gripped the cloth silently she had so many questions but stayed to her self about it . As she entered her room she shivered as the wind blew her window open placing the cloth down she closed it and went to the desk she had in the corner taking the necklace out of her pocket to inspect it more she took a make up remover wipe and began to clean it off inspecting it more the chain got brighter and the jewl became a bright emerald green but to Akemis surprise it was real. She stared at it for as long as she could remember until she slowly fell asleep.

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