Chapter 7

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You bolted up in bed, a huge grin on your face as you heard a knock on your door. Today was your birthday!! You threw off your covers and walked to the door, opening it to reveal all of team 7.
"Jesus y/n, do you ever wear actually clothing?" Sasuke said with an eye roll.
You looked down, remembering you only had on a short pair of pj shorts and a bra on. 'God I really have to stop answering my door like this'
You looked up sheepishly, only to be greeted by a bunch of averted gazes and blushing faces. You and Sakura laughed.
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't know you guys would be here this early." You laughed.
"Well we're all going out to breakfast and then don't forget you and I have training today." Kakashi answered while staring at the sky.
"Right." You rolled your eyes. "Well I'm gonna shower so I'll meet you guys at the ramen shop ok?"
"WOO HOOOO RAMENNN" Naruto yelled while already sprinting off towards the shop. Sakura and Sasuke laughed and began trailing after the blonde.
Kakashi faced you once again and gave a goofy smile under his mask. "Hurry up." He teased. "Oh and y/n- happy birthday." He smiled before turning and following the rest of the team.
You shut the door, a feeling of elation flowing through you. Today would be good, and you wouldn't let anything ruin it. Not even the mysterious blonde.
20 minutes later you were showered and heading off to the ramen shop. When it you arrived, you found all your teammates in a huge booth, plus the blonde woman sitting next to Kakashi. Your heart sank but you tried to ignore it and plastered a huge fake smile on your face.
"Hi! I'm y/n l/n" you smiled at the woman.
"Hi, I'm alia hatake." She responded.
'Hatake??? As in Kakashi hatake???? IS KAKASHI MARRIED???' Your internal thoughts were interrupted by Kakashi speaking.
"Everyone, this is my cousin. She's new to town, so I thought I'd introduce her to you guys."
Oh. My. God.
'I'm actually an idiot.' You thought to yourself.
The discussion at the table continued, but you were to happy to focus. So this wasn't a girlfriend or wife. You felt a little stupid, but really relieved. Maybe, somehow, you could still have a chance with Kakashi.
"Y/n? You ok?" Kakashi asked you.
You smiled at him. "Never better."
After breakfast, your teammates wandered off to get ready for the party tonight, and Alia waved goodbye to you and Kakashi. When it was just the two of you, Kakashi turned and gave you a devious smile.
"I don't like that look." You sad warily while stepping away from him.
"SO" Kakashi said with way too much enthusiasm. "Today for our special training, we'll be doing a bit of... hiking." He grinned before setting off towards hokage rock.
"IM SORRY, WE'RE CLIMBING UP THERE??" You looked up at the massive faces in disbelief.
"Yes. And we WONT be using the stairs. We'll be taking my absolute favorite route. It's a secluded path on the far side of the village. It takes about 5 hours to reach the spot we're going to, so I hope you wore your comfortable sandals." Kakashi said while walking ahead of you.
"FIVE HOURS?? Kashi, it's going to be dark by that time!" You complained.
Kakashi turned at the use of his nickname and gave you a grin under his mask. "You'll be fine. It's worth it, trust me. Plus it'll be GREAT for our stamina."
"You're enthusiasm makes me sick." You grumbled as you trudged behind him through the village.

It took an hour just to reach the path, and by this time you were incredibly grumpy. Kakashi kept trying to cheer you up by poking you and pretending to trip you, but your scowl remained on your face as you entered the trail. However, once you began walking your bad mood faded. The trail was like nothing you had ever seen before in Konoha. Bright flowers were scattered all around, huge trees hung on either side of the path- creating an arch that stretched for miles, and a beautiful stream flowed down the mountain- bubbling and splashing.
"Oh my god." You gazed around in wonderment, stunned by the beauty surrounding you. "It's beautiful."
Kakashi smiled and gently pushed you forward. "Come on, this isn't even the best part yet. I want to reach the top before it gets too dark."
You both walked on, soaking in the beauty and hardly talking so as not to disturb the peace. You legs ached as the path steepened, but you pushed on. Nearly 4 hours later Kakashi stopped ahead of you and turned back to face you. "You ok?" He asked while taking in your slightly sweaty and very out of breath appearance. You gave a thumbs up since you were too winded to speak, and Kakashi laughed. "We're almost at our destination now, but I have one more challenge for you." Kakashi pulled a blindfold out of his pocket. You looked at it confused, and Kakashi laughed again. "You have to walk the rest of the way with this on. I'll help you, but I really want the view to be a surprise."
You eyed the blindfold suspiciously, but you were too tired to argue. Kakashi stood behind you as he tied the blindfold over your eyes. You couldn't help but shiver when you felt the warmth of his chest again at your back. With your sight gone, all your other senses felt heightened. You breathed in his scent as you felt his fingers brush against your neck, adjusting the blindfold. You could hear your own heartbeat hammering in your chest. Kakashi gently placed his hand on your arm and you both began walking. As you continued up the trail, you tried to keep your thoughts under control, but memories of your recent dream and Kakashi giving you the necklace clouded your head. Kakashi came to a halt next you, and you stilled.
"Ok y/n. I'm about to show you my absolute favorite spot in all of Konoha. My sensei brought me here on my 18th birthday, so I thought it was fitting. The three of us are the only ones who know that trail exists, and are the only ones that know about this spot. Are you ready?" Kakashi spoke.
You nodded, and as the blindfold slipped from your eyes, you gasped. You were standing in front of the most beautiful waterfall you had ever seen. The rays of the setting sun pierced through the water, giving the pool below a deep orange glow. Flowers and vines surrounded the pool, and to the right was the edge of the cliff, overlooking the city.
"Oh my god. It's incredible! How does no one know this exists?" You said in awe.
Kakashi smiled softly. "I'm glad you like it."
You gazed around, drinking in the beauty. "This is the best birthday gift ever." You said, turning to face Kakashi.
"Well- I have one more gift for you, but I'm not sure you'll like it." Kakashi said, averting his eyes.
"Kashi, I'd love anything you gave me." You smiled at him.
Kakashi took a step closer than you. "Ok, close your eyes then." He said.
You laughed, and made a silly face as you closed your eyes. "Always full of surprised aren't y"-
Your sentence was cut off as a soft pair of lips pressed against your mouth. Your eyes shot open to see Kakashi kissing you. 'Am I dreaming again???' You wondered. Kakashi pulled away, his mask gone. You stared in amazement at his face. The glow from the sunset cast shadows over the gorgeous angles of his face, and his deep brown eye glowed almost as brightly as his red one. Oh my god. It's more amazing than in my dream.'
Kakashi cleared his throat. "Uh- sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He said, taking a step back.
You continued to stare at him, your head spinning. 'Oh my god. Oh my god this is real. He kissed me. KAKASHI KISSED ME.'
"Y/n?" Kakashi's voice interrupted your thoughts. He looked worried. "I'm really sorry I.."
Before he could finish, you strode forward, wrapping you arms around his neck and tilting his head down to meet yours. You hesitated only a second, just long enough to look him in the eyes, before you pressed your lips against his. This time, Kakashi didn't hesitate. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you. He kissed you with urgency, as though he was afraid you'd be ripped from him any minute. You both stumbled back wards, your footing unsteady. Suddenly, Kakashi was falling backwards and you were falling with him.
You hit the warm water and it enveloped you both. As you swam to the surface you looked around for Kakashi. He was standing behind you, tall enough to reach the bottom of the pool with his chest still exposed. You treaded water as you looked at him. His damp hair hung into his eyes, and his wet shirt clung to his muscles. He was bathed in the light from the sunset, and he laughed as he shook water from his hair. You swam over to him, already panting from trying to stay above water. He grabbed you, holding your waist as you wrapped your legs around him.
"Well that didn't exactly go as planned." He chuckled. "But uh, happy birthday y/n."
You grinned up at him, craning your neck to place a soft kiss on his cheek. When you pulled back, there was a devilish grin on kakashi's face.
"Kashi..." you started.  Suddenly you were flipped under the water. You came up gasping. "WHAT THE FUCK. WE WERE HAVING A MOMENT." You spun in the water, trying to locate Kakashi. He was swimming away from you, his laughter echoing off the rocks. He swam behind the waterfall in an attempt to escape you. You paused, thinking of a strategy. Instead of chasing after Kakashi, you swam over to the edge of the pool.
"Jeez, these clothes are really heavy, I don't think I can keep them on with all this water in them." You said loudly, facing away from where Kakashi was hiding. You slowly removed your vest, leaving only your thin shirt and leggings. You glanced back, seeing that Kakashi was now in he center of the pool, staring up at you with interest. In a flash, you launched yourself into the air and canon-balled right in front of Kakashi, drenching him with water. You felt his hands latch onto you underwater, and he pulled you up to face him. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him into a hug, giggling maniacally. He hugged you back, and then spoke.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner y/n."
You stayed pressed against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder as he spoke.
"I've been in love you with since we first met. You were just as strong-willed back then as you are now, and it fascinated me. I knew it was wrong, so I pushed those feelings down. But they have always been here. This past week was especially difficult. I realized how much you've grown, and how beautiful and strong you've become. I've been fighting the urge to tell you all week, but I love you y/n. I have always loved you."
You looked up at him, grasping for words. "I love you too Kashi. I always have."
He smiled back at you, stroking your wet hair.
" I have a confession to make. The other day, at Gai's party, I yelled at you because I was jealous. I thought Alia was your girlfriend, and I couldn't handle it. I'm so sorry for the way I acted." You said.
Kakashi smiled again. "That's what I thought. That day when I broke into your apartment, I heard you say you loved me when you were in the shower. It took all my will power to not bust down the door and confess to you right then and there. That's why I invited Alia to your birthday meal. I needed you to know the truth before I brought you here."
You looked at Kakashi in shock. "You knew??? Oh my god that's so embarrassing. I promise I don't usually talk to myself." You hid your face in his chest. You could feel him laughing.
"I thought it was cute. Honestly, I probably wouldn't have had the courage to kiss you today if I didn't know you felt the same way. Even then, I was terrified during the entire hike up here." Kakashi admitted.
You smiled at him again, and then began to shiver. You looked around, realizing that night had fallen and the only light was from the moons reflection in the pool.
"Damn. Now we have to walk all the back." You groaned.
"Nope." Kakashi lifted you out of the water, still holding you in his arms. "I have a faster way down." He said and launched himself into the trees.
"You're telling me you could have just run us up here." You said, giving him a dirty look in the darkness. He chuckled before farting through the trees, heading back down to the village.
As Kakashi jumped between branches, you huddled against him, the cold wind biting at your wet skin. You smiled into his vest, thinking about today's events. 'Happy birthday to me.'

Well this is like the longest chapter ever. No, the story is NOT over. It might take a bit for the next chapter to come though, because things are about to get interesting. Make sure to add this story to your library so you know as soon as I post the next chapter :))

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