(P.JH) - Convenience Store

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- requested by @TulipByun :)

7-eleven, 10:03pm


I walked into the store, considering it was late at night, my parents had asked me to get a small amount of groceries. Fumbling with my wallet, the sound of a 'ding!' was heard, I guess it was due to me entering the store.

The sound of crickets outside and owl's hoot'ing indicated it was late into the night. No one seemed to be around, and the sound of a TV playing in the background made me guess atleast the store clerk was still here.

Humming to the tunes in my earbuds, I picked up a basket and walked my way through the aisles. My eyes skimmed on the cheap snacks, picking up a few and placing it into my basket.

I was looking down onto my phone, skipping songs to find what best fit the mood for the night, before bumping into a hefty-chest.

An 'oof!' came out of me as I almost knocked backwards, before the guy in front of me held onto my waist tightly, letting me regain my balance. My eyes widened momentarily before I gave a series of apologies.

"It's okay, are you alright?" he spoke, laughing. I lifted my head-up, my eyes meeting with a dark-red haired boy. My jaw widened slightly, noticing the boy was Park Jihoon, a Senior who went to my school.

And the thing was, I've had this huge thing for him.

Park Jihoon became widely known at school due to him performing a talent-show, and participating in the yearly-school sports. His popularity was due to him being the soccer team's captain, and dating one of the most prettiest girls in school, Kim Areum.

Him and Areum were the most dynamic couple. Both were at the top of their class, captains for soccer and cheerleading team, and overall being friendly towards others. His friendliness and kindness are what brought girls to fall for him, including me.

During Sophomore year, he saved me from being bullied, and ever since he's never left my mind. I came to terms that he was just being nice, but that action caused me to fall for him. As well as that, he's in most of myclass  schedule, so I see him everyday. It never helped my crush, though. I like to believe it made me more delusional.

"Oh uh, yeah.. I'm fine. Thank you, Jihoon." I smiled awkwardly, before bowing and dismissing him.

"Hey, you're Y/N right?" Turning my head, I nodded slowly. "Yoshi talks alot about you."

Ah, Yoshi. My best friend since freshmen year, when I helped get around class. He was a foreign exchange student from Japan, along with Haruto and Asahi. I helped the Trio due to me being able to speak Japanese, thus leading me to become closer to all of them.

"Ah, really? And what does he say?"



"Really? He told that about me to you? Ugh, curse that Japanese-guy.." I scoffed, slurping onto the ramen I bought. His laughter echoed throughout the night, with just the two of us sitting in the convenience store. It was about to close soon though, as I felt the clerk's glare at the back of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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