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Copy sat at the table waiting to be fed, and as he did blue swiftly teleported from his research desk, heated up the pancakes and delivered it swiftly to Copy before returning to researching why he couldn't remember copy and finding out about other 'gods' .

Erro: uhm, so.. copy. What... What was it like before, you know.

Copy swallowed a bite of his chocolate chip pancake and put down his fork.

Copy: it was... Bad. I was only about four when I was taken away, he would leave me with other violent skeletons during the day at a place where you were supposed to learn. So I never made any friends like I wanted to...

Error listened closely to try and recognize something about what copy was saying, to try and learn why he was taken and why he was a thing in the first place. Error was blues friend sure, and maybe he liked Blues company a little more than just a friend's, but he had a different crush. Nightmare.

Blue: Error leave the kid alone. He's obviously uncomfortable.

Error: don't tell me what to do.

Blue: I'm gonna do it.

Error: do wha- blue please don't.

Blue: say sorry.

Error: NEVER.

Blue teleported to errors spot and attempted to tackle hug the skeleton to make him glitch out.

error: Stop i-i-it you a$$h0le!!!

Blue: Then stop being nosy!!

Error : m a k e  m e .

Copy sat there awkwardly as his supposed parents chased each other around the room and into portals like children before horror called him over.

Horror: hey kid, sorry those idiots act like children. Wanna go to the beach later after their chase is over :D

Copy nodded happily and dust came running down from the stairs laughing and panicking

Dust: shit shit shit shit shit shittt!!

Then out darted a killer in a deep purple shirt and black shorts, Carrying his knife


Horror: killer wtf?!?

And then while dust and killer where chasing each other nightmare himself came down. In his own clothes mind you.

Nightmare: don't get any idiotic ideas. Killer simply wears my clothes for some odd and disturbing reason.

Horror and copy simply stood there, not knowing what to do about the chaos.

A portal opens up and error comes falling out on top of nightmare and then blue.

Blue: HA! huff... Got ya!! Oh fuck hi boss.

Nightmare yeeted them both across the room.

Next chapter...

The beach episode that everyshow has for the fan base. :)
I might make some art.

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