Chapter - 6_ Murder Mystery

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Bold- character talks, settings, descriptions in the show.

Bold Italics- characters thoughts in show

Regular - In story content

Italics- Character thoughts in story.

"Excuse me, do you mind repeating that again Kikouga-san." asked Kirito.

"I said that we just finished the arrest of the Titan's hand guild, including their leader Rosalia-san,"

"Okay, now explain what happened and how." asked Kirito.

"Very well. I suppose I should start from the beginning then"

Flashback : After episode 4 was over.

A group of armed men was seen outside the apartment building. The entire area was already evacuated except for the apartment building where their target is at.

"This is Unit A, the entire perimeter is secured." said the armed man.

"This is Unit B, the balcony area is secured. The target won't be able to escape this way." said another armed man.

"This is Unit C, our eyes are on the target right now and hasn't moved from her area." said the armed man with binoculars from a couple buildings away.

"This is Unit D, we are ready to storm the place when ready sir." said the armed man along with his unit near the door.

"Good. On my go we move in. We are going to make sure she answers for her crimes." said the man over radio.

"Yes Sir!"

"3….2…..1…..GO! GO! GO! GO!"

Units D busted down the door, while Unit B busted through the glass panel. Their guns trained onto the startled red-haired woman in her living room area, while making food.

"W-W-What the hell is going on?! This is illegal!" shouted the red-haired woman.

"She's got a knife!"

Two of the armed men tackled the woman down on the floor, she is struggling against their grasp while yelling profanities at them. A armed man is seen walking towards her. The men start saluting to him showing that he is the person in charge. The man lifts his SWAT helmet from his head showing his short purple hair and violet eyes. The man looks young handsome man at his mid twenties. He shows polite smile toward the downed woman.

"A pleasure to meet you Rosalia-san. My name is Sergeant Major Yuri of the Japanese SWAT team. We are here on order of your arrest Rosalia-san."


Major Yuri revealed papers from his pocket reading them off to Rosalia.

"You're arrested miss. After the SAO incident, each of the survivors were asked to provide their experience during rehab. In this report, you provided that you a leader of a guild staying in the lower floors of Aincrad and helping leveling up low level players."

"Y-You're wrong I'm not Rosalia!" shouted the red-haired woman.

"Haha, don't play dumb." said Yuri as he looks at the turned on TV showing the Streamer's show."

"Despite the terrible incident that Kayaba created, at least he did something right, which was the facial recognition system he used to show the real self of all players inside SAO including you. We did a cross reference to every citizen here in Japan thus finding you." said Sergeant Yuri.

Rosalia paled at Yuri's rebuke at her lie.

"I'm also thankful to that Streamer to show your crimes to everyone here in Japan. Now moving on, your crimes are - false testimony during your rehab, attempted murder, and actual murder."

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