Tails Doll

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At exactly 11pm, go to the bathroom, check that the windows and doors are locked and turn off the lights. The bathroom has to have a mirror because that's how he comes.

Play 'Can you feel the sunshine'(can be ADIC remix) try to sing along to it.

After it ends wait a few minutes. If you leave nothing will happen, if you stay he might come. If you get unlucky he might force you to make a deal with him and he will kill you if you refuse.

Sometimes you will get REALLY lucky and you'll see a red light in the mirror. This means he isn't going to kill you (yet) and he is watching you. THIS IS SUPER RARE and means he took a special liking to you.

This supposedly happens when you play the ADIC remix instead of the actual song.


Hello people👋,

This one is short so I'm sorry about that- if you see anything wrong please tell me and I'll change it. This one took a bit of time but I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks so much for reading and I'll update soon.

🖤Cokey the diet cola🖤

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