Part 1

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While everyone else in this tag was writing sibling incest, I have disappeared. Now that I have returned, I will tell you what I have been doing in that time I disappeared. I have been thinking about how to give Lakko Warner character development. Originally I thought, "None of the Warners have any character beyond the flat. They don't develop as characters." But then I thought, "Well Wakko got a fear of clowns, Dot got Witty, and Yakko became a dad between the original and the Reboot so that's kinda character development."

So I watched the Fandom from afar and considered opinions other than my own. I watched and waited. Fanon thus far disappoints me. Everyone wants to make The Warners less wacky or don't get them at all or both. Mostly both. Listen, I get other people are going to think different things from me but I think the modern-day "ReALism" of cartoons has left my peers sorely lacking in zany.

Okay, I think you are regarding me as overly critical. But listen to this shit I heard on Tumblr, I apologize to whomever made this and that I don't remember your name, "The Joker probably thinks The Warners are normal Toons." Like Fucker, they are normal Toons. They are normal (albeit traumatized from neglect and isolation) children. Toony Toons are like that. Have you never seen the Loony Tunes, Fucker? This isn't strange for Toons, it's only strange for the humans because all the adults are use to personality lacking, well behaviored, Disney kids.

So let me explain what Lakko Warner is and why I did it. Lakko Warner wasn't a canon Warner sibling. The people who made the original were always trying to get Lakko in but couldn't. Finally they shrugged it off and stopped trying. The original Animaniacs ended and Lakko was never made canon. That's where the story ends in the real world. In my AU, Disney picked up the rights for Lakko Warner as they weren't being used then they did unethical and immoral things to bring their creation to life.

You know, normal Disney underbelly stuff.

See, Disney noticed that Warner Brothers had The Warners so Disney wanted their own. Unfortunately they didn't realize why WB locked away The Warners for so long until they did in horror. Disney preformed some even more unethical and immoral experiments on their new creation to control every single action and thought that it had but they still feared for the day it would break their control.

The mouse ears asked WB to take the horrible sin against God and Mankind away for how much they feared their creation but Warner Brothers didn't want anymore Warners for they also feared their creations. So Disney Laboratories sent a letter to The Warner Siblings after the end of the show to take their sibling back. Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner were all too happy to do so. This is what they did between the 22 year gap between the original and the Reboot, they broke into Disney Laboratories, took their sibling, and returned home to the water tower.

Which is where the Reboot picks up.

You see kids, Lakko Warner isn't a Warner or a Warner Brothers character in a literal sense. She's a clone. A clone designed to be controlled and used then ultimately destroyed when the purpose is filled in full. Programed to like whatever the kids like nowadays regardless of what nowadays it is. While the original Lakko was probably male, this Lakko was born genderless and became female. Making her trans. Her being a girl is the only choice she ever actually made as she is following the programing given to her.

The fact that she wears green, bell bottom, overalls with lemons and sunflowers and stuff painted on them? Programed in. Hulu hosts the Animaniacs reboot so she's following brand loyalty by wearing green, plus lemons and sunflowers were found to be popular among children. The fact that she's well mannered and normal compared to her siblings? There's a little computer chip under a scar shaped like Mickey Mouse that is connected to her brain just for that.

Her siblings know this. They were in those labs and they saw what goes on in there. They had to, after all what else would they be doing during that 22 year gap? Hell even Mickey Mouse knows and he's not happy with any of this, but he doesn't control the company so he can't do anything other than taking Lakko Warner away from her siblings. Something Mickey wouldn't do unless he absolutely has to.

And he just might given the four children locked in a water tower. Neglect is a good reason to take away children from another company.

So that's what Lakko Warner is. On to, Why? Well, I like cartoons I like Toony Toons that are wacky and zany. I like modern cartoons with their stories and their character development. I even like a few rare adult cartoons. However I hate reality and realism. I hate time and the limiting factors of our real world. I hate people telling how much the real world will fucking kill me for the so called sin of weakness. I loathe when people add so called realism to fiction.

Whenever it's realistic, it's always the same BULLSHIT! It's suffering. It's not having cool things or fun. It's dying cold and alone on the streets. It's the fascism rising up and you can't stop it because nobody listens no matter how hard you scream and it's already too late. It's all the edgy, pointless, Grim Dark that people claim is more realistic than Looney Toons because it told them that love and friendship and happiness are lies.

I spit at that especially. Reality isn't your grim dark 90s comic book. In reality, I can make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich then tell my sister I love her. In that realistic view, I'd be shot 3 times in the head before I finished my sandwich just because I have a vag. Beyond that, why is our version of reality the only one? Who's to say in their universe Wile E. Coyote stepping off a cliff and only falling when he looks down is unrealistic?

It's not like angst and edgy things are impossible in Cartoon land either. Watch Who framed Roger Rabbit and tell me that dip isn't lethal to Toons. If you do then you are a liar and a coward. Look at Kingdom Hearts... Edgy but I'm not going to use that example. Look at Sonic. Fill of edgy stuff but one must question how much is just Shadow alone.

I look around at all of you and I'm disappointed. I look at the world and it's become everything I could have ever feared as a child.

Lakko Warner isn't wacky or zany or toony. She's everything everyone in the whole wide world wanted from the Warners to be. Which makes her lacking. She has no dreams, thoughts, or personality of her own. Sure, her siblings helped her in becoming her own person. Before meeting them, she wasn't a she. After meeting them, she became herself. That's only one step tho. There is a long walk to being an individual. Maybe remove the microchip from her brain for starters.

Dot Warner is cute and witty. She separates herself from her brothers by not just being the baby and the girl but by being future facing. She has goals for the future where her brothers don't. Dot even has a taste in men that is wildly different from what many would approve. Which is to say, old and rich and mainly not the same species. Cough They aren't worth you, Dot, wait until you are an adult then leave only old dead rich men in your wake cough!

Wakko Warner eats. He has displayed attraction to women but he seems more concerned with eating. He seems dumber than his siblings. He doesn't have to be smart be a worthwhile person, you shouldn't have to be a super genius to have value kids. Also he's nonbinary coded. Wakko just exists and needs no effort to be different from his siblings.

Yakko Warner talks like a lot. He is the funny guy. The kinda leader but also not. He flirts and chats and jokes and talks and talks and talks and everyone collectively agrees they love him. Despite all his doubts and worries, Yakko is a good ish dad, a good oldest brother, a fun guy, a funny guy, and widely loved. The effort to not fade into the background was not wasted by him at all. Congratulations!

Lakko Warner... lacks. She just has nothing and provides nothing. She doesn't separate from the background or her siblings. One can hardly notice when she's there or when she's gone. Lakko can hardly be called a Warner or even a toon. This is on purpose and is supposed to say something.

With time, I hope to provide Lakko Warner with a personality and use that to say something. Until then she's just a cute, nice, well behaved, lacking, child. Just like the world always wanted.

Thank you for reading.

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Dot is Cute/Witty, Yakko yaks, Wakko packs away the snack, and Lakko lacks.Where stories live. Discover now