Chapter 1: Spilling Truths

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This story was intended to be just a One Shot but it got out of hand and will be a four chapter story. 

This story was written during the winter break of the S5, we still didn't know who the New Fire Chief would be or what it would mean for our beloved Surrera.

It is my first multi-chapter story, I hope you like it and if not, then nothing happens either. I would love to share your awesome ones.

Chapter 1: Spilling Truths

"Sullivan, one word," Beckett thundered from his captain's office in Station 19.

Robert did not imagine what he could want now, he was not surprised by his presence, he cannot bear that smug look and that haughty pose that made him want to vomit. Despite which, he was his captain and he couldn't ignore a direct call and that's how he found himself walking down the stairs in the direction of his office.

"Good luck" were Vic's words from her desk service "and you just have to yell if you need someone to help you kick his cocky ass."

He couldn't help but send her a smile as he thought how happy Lucas would have been if he had really had a chance with her, they really were meant for each other. "Thanks, but the day I can do it, I think I'll do it myself, have you seen the guy's physical form?" They both laughed because they knew it couldn't be more true.

"Did you call me, captain?" Robert said, walking into his office.

"Should you ask the evidence? If you are here it is because I called you, I do not think that you, of all the people, would be the one who would pay me a courtesy visit and because of the time it took to get there, or you were on the roof or you were coming lame".

Robert rolled his eyes but said nothing, bit his tongue once more and swallowed his pride. He wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of other than humiliating him, giving him reason to put him on the bench or send him to desk service to have to see his vomiting face through the glass all day.

"I still don't know why, but you've got a request for an audience with the new Female Chief," Beckett said with a little exasperation in his voice. "The truth is, I don't know why she will want to talk to you when she has not yet been publicly presented and no one knows who she is," he mumbled. "Maybe she wants some 'favor' from Fire Zaddy" Again that mockery in his voice that was really putting Robert on the edge of his patience. Little did Robert know that the gear for his actions had already been engaged.


Everyone noticed during breakfast how Sullivan tensed when the team asked him about his stay at Station 23 that he had done the previous shift and wanting to know how he had dealt with Andy as captain.

"I really wish I didn't have to answer" he pointed out with his eyes fixed on his cup without wanting to meet the gaze with any of those people who were already beginning to read it quite well.

"Come on man, it couldn't be that bad," Travis said with his casual voice, which made him take a withering look from Warren that he knew the man would want to be anywhere before there submitting to their questions.

"I'll just say that professionally it went well for me, I worked in perfect harmony with Ruiz and Andy is being an excellent captain and the changes are already beginning to be seen in the 23" he swallowed hard without knowing whether to continue, but he thought that maybe it would be good to say how he felt, he thought that saying it might help him "But personally, I can say that the shift ended up being one of the worst days of my life and that I have had an innumerable amount of bad days throughout it."

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