CHAPTER 4: Order in the Universe

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"When we said exactly a year ago how we would look on a day like today, I never imagined the scene would be reproduced so accurately," Andy said playfully in Robert's ear as she bit his right earlobe as she passed her breasts, only covered by a thin sports shirt, all over his back. His angle was perfect for her as the magnificent specimen of her in front of her was kneeling on the floor as he adjusted the railing of the second crib.

He couldn't let the moment pass as he leaned back giving better access to his wife who put her arms under his, hugging him around the chest, while putting feather kisses on his ear and neck that she began to combine with small bites and hickeys.

Robert, who likes to take control, in a quick turn was sitting on the floor with Andy on his lap and combining words with kisses he said "What we did not imagine any of us is that we would be expecting a mini Andy and a mini Robert at the same time, and that if you continue here provoking me like that they will come to this world without a place where they can lie down."

"Robert, today I am 20 weeks, we are in the middle of this pregnancy and there is still a long way to go before these two have to occupy their cribs. And besides, you can't blame me if my pregnancy hormones are all over the place and you decide to go DIY without wearing a shirt" She said running her wet finger over her tattoo in a sexy and provocative way.

"Also, to be exact when you said that I would look at you as if I wanted to eat you, I seem to remember that I said that I would be eating you directly and that's what I do" Andy said laughing at her own words.

"Every day and at all hours!" Robert added with a smile, remembering how much it took to open her body to him again after an afternoon's fling with Beckett, though at her thought that everything happens for a reason she was thinking when Andy interrupted his thought.

"I'm listening to you think Robert, so come out and share with me those thoughts that have turned your sexy smile into a grimace" she knew him very well and when his jaw was thrown forward she knew he had an important thought occupying his mind at that moment.

"I was just thinking how much it cost you to make love to me again after Beckett and how you never have enough now".

"I can never get enough of you, you know, and it's not that at the time I didn't want to, you know, my traumas coming out all at once like lava from a volcano after an uncontrollable eruption," Andy said with a sigh.

"That was what occupied my thoughts, as that time was so precious and as something that both of us could have lived with anguish or in a hurry, it helped you to fully open yourself to therapy and to heal your soul which helped to heal your body while I was making my amends and working with Richard. Thinking like that kept us up for more than one night until dawn, first talking while we shared loving kisses and how those kisses turned into caresses, calm at first, then anxious. I thought how those days we found a connection like never before, we knew every last inch of our bodies and the way we touched, the way we made each other feel, was an explosion of desires, feelings and intimacy. And I dare to say that to an erotic point that many porn movies would already want!" Robert laughed at that last part of the sentence.

"I still get goose bumps, when I remember how it was, that new first time, more than two months had passed since our strange intimacy and I was so prepared!" Andy's words implied so much love and truth, that love and truth that carried with it that intimacy that arose in moments like this.

"Although the part about passing out from pleasure, you could have saved it, you almost killed me with a heart attack," Robert joked.

"I can't say I'm sorry, what can I say if I have by my side the person who knew exactly how to take me to the most absolute ecstasy to the point of taking my breath and my consciousness with him" Andy sentenced as if what happened that day was the most normal thing in the world. "And having said all this, I do know who has a fully assembled bed, and a large enough one by the way, so that we have to be on the floor in a nursery with two half-assembled cribs" Andy sat up and without letting go of the hand of Robert headed towards their bedroom and with unmistakable intentions.

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