Chapter 2: In this life, everything is politics

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"Don't look so surprised Robert, in this life everything is politics" said Ari as she approached Robert with her hand extended.

"Sorry if I look surprised, but during the couple of months that we worked together you never showed your interest in being the Chief of all the Seattle firefighters and I never thought that was in the interests of a publicist" said Robert still with disbelief in his voice.

"Public relations" she corrected him, "in addition to having studies in International Cooperation & Institutional Relations and Human Resources, although I did not think that I would have to start this meeting justifying my curriculum."

"Excuse me, you are right, I met you in another area and I have not known how to calibrate well to my surprise. Now you are my Boss and as such I owe you all my respects, and with this I do not mean that I did not respect you before "said a now calmer Robert.

"You are not misguided anyway. My goal is not this, this is just a necessary stop to higher goals. Everything is very disorganized in the SFD, the Mayor wants to put on track and improve the image of the Department that since Dixon has gone downhill. I have a lot of experience with similar cases, within the United States and abroad, so I offered a plan at City Hall and here I am, about to start my plan. At this time, a firefighter in charge is not needed, someone with an external look is needed, who has no problem saying or doing whatever it takes to put order without thinking that is talking to a colleague, or that was with him o her in the academy or that they worked together in this or that Station. Right now this Department needs me" said a more than proud Chief Ari Lan.

"With all due respect Chief, I understand what you are saying and I really believe that you can make a big change and the idea of ​​your could work, but I don't know what I paint in all this. I don't know what I'm doing here" Sullivan said genuinely, since he entered he only had one answer and many more doubts.

"I thought you were a smarter guy, Sullivan, don't make me regret my decision before I made it. You are the most qualified firefighter in this city, although your current degrees say otherwise, you have experience in initial training, the academy, and the development of work at all levels of the ladder. I want you to be my right hand, I want you to be my technical and professional support during my performance as Chief".

"It will be an honor, Ma'am. From this moment I am ready for duty, towards you and towards the SFD" he said while he could not believe that his luck was changing, he was finding his way to his position and he was finding his way to his wife, his Andy, who was sure she will be happy. She would be very proud of him, because even if she didn't admit it, he knew she liked bugles.

"That is the attitude, now, in exactly ten minutes, each of the members of my team will begin to arrive, you would not think that you are the only one, we will be a total of eight people, five women and three men. So I took a few minutes and at 10 o'clock I'll see you in the Board Room. You're sitting on my right" and with that she left her office.

After going through the bathroom he went to the meeting place and the first person he saw there waiting caught him totally off guard "Andy, what are you doing here?" he said confused.

"I ask myself the same question. I only know that late yesterday afternoon I was called on behalf of the Department and summoned me to this meeting. The only thing they asked me was if I could work with you, which of course I confirmed" was the response of a confused Andy "I wanted to call you last night but I thought not to put more stress on your shoulders".

"The famous Robert Sullivan, oh, and mmm Herrera," said the older woman who approached them.

"Frankel" they both said at the same time and they did not have time to say more, Chief Ari Lan invited them to enter and next to them appeared more people who should have been waiting in the continuous room.

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