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   My eyes fluttered and I grimaced by the brightness from the car window. I shielded my eyes with my arm "Ngh, are we close?" I asked to the driver as he gave a simple nod "Why would a young lass like you be at an army?" He asked, I took a peek at the rearview mirror to see him "To take care of some unfinished business, nothing more" I answered vaguely, hoping he would get the message. He nodded again but I know that he wanted a more straight forward answer.

   He dropped me off at the road, it was near the red army's base but far enough to not be detected. I made my way to the backside of the base, remembering a day where Tord showed me the map of the inside the base and I only remembered the secret entryways, well I jotted it down in a notebook I had. He was quite prisetent on me about those entryways, saying that "If you ever feel unsafe or need somewhere to breathe, you can use these," with a concerned tone. It did made me feel guilty now but there's no turning back, I stomped around the ground for some time then heard a clunk noise underneath my feet.

   I coughed at the debris when I opened the hatch, it was obvious that it hasn't been used in ages. I took a first step on the ladder, it felt wobbly under my weight but I was able to get down from it safely. A sense of relief hit me when I saw the lights on the walls were lit, walking down a dark hallway especially underground is never a good experience. I walked up ahead, following the narrow hallway as I try to regulate my breathing. There's too much dust for me to breathe properly, my anxiety spiked when I thought of that. Before I could even do anything, I'm already dead underground where no one will ever find me.

   I tried my best to drive those thoughts away, pushing onwards to finish what they both started and ending it will be my goal.

   Finally, I arrived to a metal door. My legs were weak and numbed at this point and I open the metal door. It creaked when it opens, I stepped outside to see that I was in the laboratory room. It was empty and there were no lights on "Huh, it must be sunset already," I pulled out a flashlight from my bag, knocking on it a few times with my hand for it to work properly. I scouted around the laboratory for any useful and found the blueprints about their own bomb, it was a 13.9 inches that was powered with grade A gun powder that has sulfur equipped inside it. This was a dangerous bomb, it could affect the whole town that's near Shine's army base.

  I stepped outside of the laboratory, the blueprint now in my backpack as I hastily tried to find the weapon making section. I remember it being underground last time I went with Tord and so I retraced my steps from that day.

   When I continued on mumbling my thoughts, I see the yellow and black tape line with the words "WARNING" boldly on it. I gasped as I look up slowly to the elevator in front "Here goes nothing, Y/N. This will end all wars they'll have," I clicked the button on the elevator, it was a one way elevator and when I stepped inside the ceiling emitted a gas. I coughed at the sudden sprayed, I closed my eyes then open it back again to see the entrance of the weaponry area.

  Peeking out the elevator, I saw no one and just the flickering lights "Good, everyone actually left," I walked out the elevator then started running towards the area. I tried my best to find the bomb making room but I got lost along the way, why doesn't Tord make them have a map under here. I grumbled at the thought yet continue to find the room.

  There was a room at the end of the hall, the words "Bomb" written on a metal plate and I was ecstatic to finally find the room. When I got closer to the it, I heard the sounds of metal clanking and footsteps inside. Shit, of course there has to be a person in her, I thought and peeked inside "Tord?!" I mumbled his name. His orange hair was tied up into a messy ponytail, his iconic devil horns weren't there and I swore he looked much softer than he does. His back was exposed with sweat dripping down, he must've been tweaking the bomb on his own, I didn't know he could do that.

  I sat by the door, still watching in silence and hoping he could go away or I could make him faint. That's always an option.

   Tord stopped for a moment, standing there in silence. I was confused as to why he did it and then he spoke "I know you're there little mouse, peeking behind the door. Tsk, tsk," As he turned around, I was already scrambling from my feet to get away. Maybe one of these rooms could hide me in it. I was walking while also running, trying not to make any sound with my feet.

  "C'mon now, running away is inevitable when I'm chasing you,"

  His voice echoed across the hallway, followed by a maniacal laugh. I was breathing frantically at this point, I want to find a hiding spot already and like magic, there was a pushed myself against the wall that looked like a door and it was. It slammed loudly from behind, I hope he wasn't near me when he saw it. The room was pitch black, I shone my flashlight around to find a hallway. I sigh then began walking down, anything to not get caught by Tord.

   Slowly, I found a chair in front of me. I used my freehand to touch around the wall, possibly trying to find a light switch. I flicked my finger when I felt the switch and the lightbulb flicker, crackling sounds came from it. The room had drawn out papers scattered on the floor, walls and even the table in front. I switch my flashlight off to read the papers "These are...these are profiles of Shine and Tord?" What, how did this get in here. What is this place.

  I was sitting on the chair, all of these papers were carefully drawn out plans of what was happening the past few years when they weren't even soldiers yet "Who owned this place," Things just got more complicated than I thought it was, there was a photo frame that faced the wall. Odd, then I turn it around to see what it was.

"Is that....me?"


Things has indeed gotten more complicated, please vote and comment :) I'm sorry for abandoning this fic without notice, I lost motivation for it and my phone was like...gone lmao

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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