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even though he felt better, after much much nagging from his roommate, sunwoo stayed home for the first day of classes of the week.
highschool him would be tearing his hair out and choking the foolishness out of him, he never skipped school no matter how sick he was, school was always a big priority to him, he wanted to always do the best he could.

yet since four months ago, since a certain squirrel looking like boy waltzed into his life, and not in a soft skipping along the road surrounded by rainbows and butterflies knocking on your heart kind of way, more as in a bulldozing his path while 'we will rock you' played on the background completely running over the door to sunwoo's heart way.

his life suddenly seemed to be all upside down, his thoughts got messier than his room and as much as he tried to fight it, his feelings were now constantly annoyingly at surface, intensified even.

he didn't exactly consider that a bad thing, it's not like he was neglecting his studies or making his whole life about his feelings for the dimpled boy.

however, as skipping class was not on the kim sunwoo handbook, his friends were immediately concerned for the grumpy excuse of a part of society they called friend being absent, as much as they question their friendship on an hourly basis, extract one from the equation and the whole group felt incomplete.

that's why three boys now stood planted on sunwoo's door after all of their classes had ended, felix still had a group project session he couldn't get out off, but he reasurred the others he'd be there in spirit, in a very creepy and not really reassuring manner.

sunwoo jolted awake from his nap due to the insane knocking on the front door and screams that more resembled hienas or dolphins, he can't decide, rather than any human sound he's ever heard. being used to his friends non human like behaviour though, he knew right away the cause for the sudden national geographic soundtrack booming from the other side of the door.

"shut uP, SHUT UP I'M COMING YOU ASSHATS!" he groaned loudly as he lazily dragged his body all the way from his room, through the living room, to the small hallway that led to the front door.

he swung the door open unimpressed by the beasts he calls his friends, the sudden action making eric, who was leaning on the door, fall over to the ground, hyunjun falling right on top of him as he was leaning on the blonde. sunwoo only stared in disapproval as he let jaemin in while the groaning boys on the ground helped each other up.

the three visitors looked around curiously and attentively, you see as much as they usually dragged sunwoo out of his dorm they never actually set a foot inside, the reason to this being very logical to the red haired, as he didn't want his friend group ever running into changmin and most certainly embarrass him enough to last for two centuries.

"i know for a fact this place is only tidy and clean because of changmin hyung" hyunjun snorted as quick as he was hit on the back of his head, courtesy of the other resident, you can guess he was one hundred percent correct.

"okay you neanderthals, why are you even here" sunwoo sat next to jaemin, who had already made himself at home on the large couch situated right at the middle of the room.

"you ungrateful ass wipe, you skipped class. you never skip class, so we came to check on you. so what's up" eric finally got to why they were, for the first time, visiting the inside of the cherry boy's residence as he sat criss-crossed on the floor so he could be faced towards the elder boys, hyunjun quickly following suit.

"oh right, i ended up catching a cold. i'm fine though but changmin made me stay home" sunwoo disclosed to the excepting boys looking at him, a playful scoff and eye roll followed in the end as he tried his best not go into a passionate rant to his friends about how the older had taken care of him and stayed with him the whole time, key word trying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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