The meeting

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~y/n romanoff POV~

The avengers were in a meeting with Nick Fury and Maria Hill who are the heads of S.H.I.E.LD. discussing Ultron and the Maximoff twins. I do odd jobs for S.H.I.E.L.D. but I'm not an actual agent or an avenger. I really want to be though. I'm not allowed to until I'm 18 and 'old enough to decide for myself' as my mum says. I don't see why I can't join now. I'm as strong as any of them are. I watched the meeting from one of the vents above the meeting room. I don't know how I've never been caught sneaking up there, I've watched almost every single Avengers meeting from inside those stuffy vents. They're incredibly narrow but I don't mind. They were coming up with a plan on how they are going to stop Ultron and the twins and Ultron's robot army. 

~no one's POV~

"Are you sure we can defeat their whole robot army alone? We don't know how many Ultron's made. Plus, you've all seen how powerful the twins are." Bruce said doubtingly.

"We've fought aliens Banner, we can handle a bunch of robots and two teenagers." Tony replied.

"I agree with both of you, they're going to be powerful of course but we should be pretty much able to handle them." Maria responded.

"You're all definitely capable of a lot, that's why I have you all on my team but I do think a bit of extra help wouldn't be such a bad thing. The problem is, the twins are very powerful and they probably need someone with similar capabilities to handle them until we know what to do with them because they would be a good help to our team in the future. But we don't know how dangerous they really are." Fury frowned, looking puzzled at what to do.

"I might have an idea." Clint said.

"What is it?" Thor asked.

"Natasha, do you think it'd be okay if we used S.H.I.E.L.D.'s 'secret weapon'?" Clint asked Natasha, trying not to make it too obvious what he was talking about in case she said no. The rest of the Avengers didn't know Natasha had a 16 year old daughter and Clint knew it wasn't his place to tell them. After all, he did have kids of his own to protect. 

"You know what, fine. I can't protect her from all of this forever. They're definitely capable of helping us out and maybe even becoming an official Avenger." Natasha sighed.

"Wait you're letting y/n join the team?!" Fury asked looking shocked.

"Yes." She said.

~y/n POV~

"Yay!" I screamed. I was so excited, I'd dreamed about this since the Avengers was first formed a few years ago. 

"Wait are you spying on us from in the vents?!" My mum asked.

"Maybe..." I said guiltily unfastening the grate below me so I could jump down into the meeting room and onto the table.

"How do you even fit up there?" Maria asked, she's like a second mother to me. Whenever Mum was away on missions when I was younger, either her or Clint would look after me.

"It's a tight squeeze but I just about fit." I replied, jumping down off the table. Mum rolled her eyes.

"This is my child, y/n Romanoff. They can fly and can shoot lazer-y things out of their hands and I guess they're going to help us defeat Ultron." Mum said. 

"You've had a kid the whole time we've known you and you never thought to mention it to us? First Barton, now you, who else on this team secretly has a kid?!" Tony said to mum. She just laughed. 

"Okay you lot, we still need to think of a plan to defeat Ultron and his army." Fury reminded everyone. 

30 minutes later, we had a well thought-through plan. We just needed to convince the twins to join the team. 

Sorry this part isn't very interesting, I just needed to kind of put a bit of back story on how y/n got on the team. Thanks for reading, more parts will be uploaded soon. :)

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