Love at first sight

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I know this isn't what happened during Age of Ultron but this is my little take on it so here you go. And I forgot to mention in the first chapter but in this Wanda and Pietro are both 17. :)

~No one POV~

The twins walked into the meting room. Steve and Clint were sat in there waiting for them.

"What do you want?" Wanda asked in a thick Sokovian accent.

"For you to join our team." Clint smirked.

"And why would we do that?" Pietro raised his eyebrow at Clint.

"Because you and I both know that Ultron's 'good intentions' aren't really good at all and could destroy humanity all together if we don't stop him." Clint said.

"And what happens to us after we help you? Are you just going to kill us or lock us up in a cell?" Wanda asked.

"Well, if you want to you could both join our team, become Avengers and help save the world with us. And I'm sure we could help find you both a place to stay." Steve said from where he was sitting in the corner, watching the whole conversation.

"Well, we don't really have anywhere to live at the moment, we can't go back to Hydra and we're definitely not going to help Ultron anymore so I think this is the best option we have." Pietro said, turning to Wanda.

"Okay, we're in." Wanda nodded. 

"Good." Steve said, smiling.

"I think it's time we formally introduce you to the rest of the team." Clint said, leading them both into the bar area where everyone else was sat chatting.

~y/n POV~

I was just chatting to Thor about what life on Asgard was like when Steve and Clint walked in with two teenagers who I guessed were the twins. My eyes locked with the handsome blonde boy's. He was absolutely gorgeous - literally what my perfect man would look like. In the words of Taylor Swift, "he's so tall and handsome as hell".  It felt like love at first sight although I'm not totally sure what that feels like. I decided I'd get to know him a bit then I'll definitely ask him out. I started day dreaming about going on the perfect first date with him. 

"Well hello there!" He said, grinning at me seductively. 

"Hi!" I said smiling and blushing an unnecessary amount. I'm in love with already and he's only said 3 words to me!

"Someone's got a BIG TIME crush!" Tony whispered in my ear, smirking.

"Oh shut up!" I said rolling my eyes. He was right but there was no way I was gonna admit that to him. I'd known him for less than 24 hours and he was already starting to get on my nerves. I turned around to see my mum trying to disguise her laughter. Was she laughing at me? Do all of the Avengers think I'm flirting with him already?! Oh no.

~Pietro's POV~

I felt my eyes lock with this beautiful person's. They were the most gorgeous person I'd ever seen. It was love at first sight. How can someone look so effortlessly stunning?! They're like an angel sent from heaven. I want them. I need them. I'm going to subtly flirt with them. It's worth a try, even if they just ignore me. 

"Well hello there!" I say seductively.

"Hi!" They said to me, smiling and blushing. Even their voice sounds pretty! I feel Wanda nudge me and turn to see her rolling her eyes at my attempt at flirting.

"Calm it down, you've only just met her!" She giggled in my ear, "But if she shoots you down or you break up or something, tell her to call me." She winked. She's lucky I love her with cheek like that! Trying to steal my girl! Who does she think she is!

"Okay everyone this is Wanda and Pietro," Clint said. "Wanda and Pietro this is Natasha, Tony, Bruce, Thor and y/n." He said, gesturing to each of them in turn. Y/n is such a nice name I thought to myself. 

"Alright everyone, get to bed. We leave for Sokovia at 7:00am tomorrow so I expect you all to be on the jet by 6:50." Steve said.

I hope you enjoyed this part. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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