Bonnie and Clyde- Suga

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Repeating the past


Street lights were flickering, crowds were cheering. It was midnight in the city of Seoul. I'm an underground rapper making a living spitting out deep meaningful raps. I make enough to just live by myself peacefully.

"Alright alright rappers and rap-ettes. Time for the finale! On the right we have our very famous....MIN YOON-GI! Also known as..SUUUUGGGGAAA!" Crowds cheered for the all star champion in front of me. I snorted. "And on the left we have our other all star champion from Daegu, ______ _________!"

People cheered on. I examined this guy. Tall, pale, likes to smirk a lot as I've noticed. Looks like he's examining me as well. Little perv.

"Ok competitors, get ready to start. Woojung, give us a beat! Suga you may start!"

Suga gave pretty impressive raps and stuff. Every once and a while the crowd goes "ooooo" as if I was taunted by his raps. I just patiently waited for him to be done. To be honest I was being annoyed by his raps.

After 2 minutes of useless raps, it was my turn. Woojung gave me a different beat. I started with a taunting rap then gave a very meaningful rap about how he should stay in school and learn to be a useful person. I basically insulted him throughout the whole thing.

The crowd kept saying "oooooo" throughout the whole thing. When my 2 minutes were up the judge came between us. "Wow that was a very impressive rap battle you 2. Ok so remember the winner gets to have $5,000 in cash. Ok so the with the help off other judges, the winner is.....______ ________!" Crowds were going wild. Too wild I should say. Then the judge came and gave me a big leather bag filled with money. Then, all of a sudden, police sirens were heard. A police car appeared and we all made a run for it. Someone grabbed my wrist and I turned around. Suga.

"Come with me if you don't wanna be arrested." I nodded and ran with him. We ran about 5 blocks just to get rid of the cops. We went in an alley and hid there for a moment.

We both panted at the same time and when the cops left, I sank to the ground. "Oh my god I never ran that fast in a long time." I chuckled and panted out. Suga sank to the ground next to me. " name is Yoongi but you can call me Suga." "I'm _____." I said back.

"You were pretty impressive back there. You are the first girl to burn me like that." he laughed. "You were great too." I smiled. I reached for my bag and pulled out $2,000. "Here, you deserve it. You were the best opponent I've had." I put the money in his hand.

"Uhhh....thanks but I can't have this you won it fair and square." he put it back in my hands. "I know and this is what I want to do with my money. So keep it I insist. Ok?" I put it back in his hands. "Ok."

"Are you hungry?" He asked me. I nodded. "Yeah all that running worked up an appetite." "Lets go to my place." He got up and took out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. "I live close by so don't worry." he laughed. I laughed as well.

We arrived to this really cool New York style apartment building. "This place reminds me of New York." I commented. "Yeah that's what everyone says." We went to the elevator and he press 16 on it.

"I hate elevator music." we said in unison. We looked at each other and laughed. We finally got to the 16th floor and walked to door 오4. "Welcome to casa de Suga. (house of Suga)." he said as he opened the door. I walked in and it really felt like I was in New York. Brick walls and a spiral stair case. Fancy furniture and a piano in the living room. "Wow." Is all I managed to say.

"Yeah I live by myself and stuff. Want ramen?" He asked. I nodded. "Do people ever visit you?" I said as I sat on the couch. "Um yes but I'm usually not there when they come by. They leave a note that they stopped by. I don't like having people over." he explained as he prepared the noodles.

"Except for you of course." he said. I took out my phone and checked the time. *1:30 am* it read.

Then a bowl was placed in front of me.
I thanked him. "So________, what made you start underground rapping?" He asked.

"Well I would've been stuck here signing papers and hosting meetings for my parents if I said yes to their offer but that isn't the life I want. I took my money that was supposed to be for emergency use only and left the house. I'm glad I did because I'm now doing something I really like." I explained while I finished the ramen.

He took the bowl and came back. "Why did you start?" He gave me a look.

"Two words....the feeling." he said. "Well what does that mean?" "The feeling you get when you rap? The rush through your body and that's the feeling I love. Whenever I rap I feel like I'm filling people's minds with knowledge that most of them are in the need of. And also, I dropped out of school so this is my only option I have." he said.

I yawned. "Tired?" He asked. "Yeah, I should go home now I'm drained." I said as I stood up and walked to the door. "Wait!" He said as he grabbed my wrist. "It's 2 am theres cops outside at this time. Stay here for the night." I thought for a moment. I heard cop sirens go off. "I should." I finally said.

6 months later.

Your POV

"SUGA OVER HERE!" I yelled as I hid between boxes. He rushed over to my side and his as well.

"The car is only 24 feet away we need to go now." he said and I nodded.

Through out these months we are pretty wanted by the cops. We stole cars and robbed stuff since well, the rapping business is shut down. We ran out of money but ever since that day we've always been with each other.

I've even fallen for him with him even knowing.

We ran to the stolen car and Suga started it up. He backed up and drove to our next hiding stop.

4 hours later.

"Man when are they going to leave us alone?" Suga laughed. "I dunno man we've been in deep shit for a long time." I laughed as well.

Then slowly...we came to a stop.

"What happened?" I asked. "We ran out of gas, looks like we'll need to walk for now." he said as he took out the keys. The sun is blazing on us. "Damn its so fucking hot here." he said as he took off his top.

His abs. So toned and perfect.

"Ugh, I don't wanna walk in this heat." Suga complained. I thought of something.

"I have something to tell you"
I heard him gulp.
I unbuckled myself and kissed him passionately. He grabbed my legs and made me get on his lap and deepened the kiss. "What do you want to tell me?" He whispered.
"I love you." I said as I kissed him again.

We heard sirens but we didn't care. If we are going to jail we might as well go together. Then I felt Suga push me away as a gunshot was heard and glass breaking.

The front window was broken. I looked at Suga as he sits there with a red blood shot through his chest.

"________, I love you too." he breathed out.

I screamed and sobbed but I was silenced by another shot fired.

But this time, to me.

Partners in crime till the end.

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