Capter 5

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Since the incident on his 16th birthday, his father acted like he was nothing but a waist of space, not even the usual political talks they have every now and the, and Fugaku accepted, he accepted his punishment he'd tell himself, because he's also punishing himself greatly, with the nightmare, nightmares of his past self, calling him a failure and a tyrant a monster..... Even after reuniting with his best friend Kushina, he's happy to see her smiling face and boisterous behavior again but on the inside, he's slowly beating himself up.

1 year later, and Fugaku now 17 years old is being assembled..... by his father, why now after a year of isolating from him? It's not like Fugaku isn't hopeful a bit, I mean he still loves his father whether or not he's practically being neglected by him, and only when he's called, is normally something important.

So whatever holds behind these golden doors, he'll be prepared.

His father was by the window, back tuned and seemed to be thinking, Fugaku took a breath and walked in " wanted to see me?" Fugaku voice grew mature the past year he's also gotten much taller and a bit muscular, so much so that it would fool anyone that he's an alpha male "..... sit down" his father said, his voice so low it made him shiver a bit, the young man took his seat by his fathers office table, behind his fathers chair was a huge painting of his grandfather the head alpha before his father, the charcoal eyes glaring down as if judging him, Fugaku tries his best not to look too pathetic by looking away, a true Uchiha would never bow his head to anyone his great grandfather once said, and he been passed down alpha to alpha until..... "it's quite a tragedy how things ended up like this" his father suddenly spoke "I've done everything in my power to raise a grate Alpha head... but instead...." The air in the room grew more tense as he spoke, back still turned towards the younger "where did I go wrong?" Fugaku wanted to speak but, felt that he wasn't allowed to, finally he hears him turn stares at him for a second and then walks to his seat right in front of him, normally Fugaku would look at his father right directly, but he was too ashamed "look at me" he hesitated "... I said.. look at me" ever so slowly he rose his head, and forced himself to not quiver with each passing second of staring into those menacing eyes, his heart would beat faster, the air would grow even more tense, his fist would clench so much his knuckles would turn white and it feels like hell will break lose, so he turned away, "... I'm sorry.." he whispers "....pathetic" that word felt like knives stabbing him in the heart he could almost taste the blood "... this shows how an utter failure you are, couldn't even look me in the eye" was that actually blood coming up his throat or bile? Either way he swallows it

"......however you could still be of use"

"Hmph!" Kushina came later that day to chat as usual, however it seemed that his red head friend is upset about something if the abrupt sitting and her huff wasn't a clear give away "what's wrong?" Fugaku asks multitasking between the book he was reading whilst listening to her complaints, Kushina still can't wrap her head around how he dose that "my Mother" she answers gruffly "what about?" "......" she doesn't answer for a few seconds, Fugaku gave her time to contemplate before finally answering "sigh'...... she arranged a marriage proposal for me without my consent" Fugaku falters a bit "what happened when you found out?" "I declined of course! How can you just arrange a marriage proposal without the subject of the matter? Moreover, why choose for you who to marry? Ugh! Adults are just so predictable" her outburst clearly states that she is not on board with the idea, "now that I'm an alpha they got me an omega male to Fuck and have kids with, I'm only 17 Goddamnit!" She smashes her face on his reading table, not too hard to hurt her skull but hard enough to know she's pissed "and he's from a high class family too!" Her yells were muffled by the table, well this is quite a coincidence,

"However, you'll still be of use" his father said suddenly, "you are going to marry an Alpha of my choosing, and bare cubs with them, if you bare an alpha child, they are to be raised by me as next in line of head Alpha, But" the tension darkens so as his tone "should you bare an omega child, they too will marry an alpha of my choosing and bare them children as well, this will go on until I get an Alpha cub to be the next hire, do not disappoint me again"

"....... What a coincidence"

A few months passed and the next year arrived, Fugaku and his father are waiting in the living room dressed in the most expensive tux to meet his 'fiancé' Misaki beside them in her maid uniform, worried for her cub, whoever this alpha is, if they hurt him, she will not rest until they suffer, even if it means getting fired as long as he is safe, "Ah they're here, Misaki, open the doors" "yes sir" "Fugaku" he called as they both stood "do not embarrass me as you've already done" "...... yes father"
Now Fugaku is the type of person that wold be prepared for anything, even the meeting with his fiancé, however, nothing prepared him for who his fiancé was.

His eyes slowly grew wide mirroring his redhead friend across from him, who was equally shocked "You already know him but Kushina meet your fiancé" her mother announced, both young adults were thinking the same thing but Kushina was the only to shout it out


To be continued
To understand the story, you have to check my first account Rubybran
This is inspired by uchihagoddess2

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