Chapter 6

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"Mother you can not be serious!" Kushina yells at her mother with disbelief, her mother not fazed in the slightest "Not informing me about the marriage proposal is one thing, but-my best friend!?" Fugaku was thinking over the same thing as well, His father did mention that they were from a higher class, and he also said it was someone he knew but Kushina? He wanted to say something but one look at his father's face shut him up immediately, Misaki was also shocked about the whole ordeal, well at least the alpha is harmless, but.... The princess?
"At least he's much better suited than that peasant you've been seeing" kushina froze "I know about your little secret" "how..." she looked over at Katsuki, who was looking away from them in guilt "now then shall we proceed?"

Kushina was beyond pissed "RAAGH!!" She was enraged, both 17 year olds were in Fugakus room their parents giving them "privacy" to get to know each other before the weeding, which btw was a week after Fugakus birthday, said teen stood aside letting his friend now fiancé punch his room wall multiple times, he worries that her hand would bleed if not break, but he wouldn't lie if he said he wasn't rather peeved at the idea of them getting married, but being the good friend he was he walked over and finally stopped her "let me go.." she hissed but he stood firm, he pulled her to his bed, sat her down and brought out a first aid kit to treat her wounded hand, Kushina allowed all of it.

Nothing was said after some time, both teens thinking over the situation. Fugaku wouldn't mind granting his fathers wish but for it to be his best friend, he doesn't know what to think.

Speaking of which, earlier her mother mentioned something about kushina seeing someone, he would've asked if the air wasn't so gloomy.... "She never listens...." She spoke hugging her knees "this is just messed up"......
"If you don't mind me asking...." "Hm?" She answers slowly "earlier, with your mother, she mentioned something about...." "..... oh right, I haven't told you have I?"

"We met at the market place"

"Princess are you sure about this? Your mother wouldn't be very pleased knowing you ran off again" Katsuki said worried, he and Kushina were at the market getting a few things her mother specifically said not to go or the 'peasants around will rub off on her' but she didn't care, she loved the civilian life they were much more lively than her boring mansion-except of course, talking to her number one friend and Katsuki sometimes- nothing there but how to be the next alpha of the Uzumaki throne, she loves her mom, but she's gotta learn to accept her daughters decision, even if it involves going into a market with Katsuki "she doesn't have to know" she responds before getting distracted by a nice looking plate of chocolate chip cookies, chocolate was her favorite flavor and she's been wanting to try and make some, but her mother wouldn't allow it, saying it could ruin her figure, 'ugh mom' suddenly there was a commotion going on across from her "I'm sorry please let me go!" A small boy not older than 5 was being held by the shirt roughly, the man holding him was an old but strong alpha with short gray hair and hazel eyes, by the looks of things the boy tried to steel some bread from the man but he got caught and it didn't look like the man will let him go anytime soon, Kushina bolted but was held back by Katsuki "princess, stay back it's dangerous"  "but someone's gotta help him"  "I know, I'll see what I can do, but stay here" It took all her will power to hold still

A/N... Ima be honest with you, I don't know how to continue the backstory, the rest is up to you, sorry! 🥲 I'll probably edit it later

Unknowingly Kushina found herself smiling, Fugaku could only stare genuinely sorry for the red head, it's obvious she already has her eyes for this Alpha. To calm the atmosphere Fugaku made her talk more about him, he seems to be a nice guy, soon she calmed down going on and on about 'Minato' a blond haired boy with a heart of gold.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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