Episode 3

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Shinata: (The moment i heard "Amesia" my mind starts to go blank, my heart starts to beat faster like a Running hamster, my body starts to shake. And the "women who calm as my "mother" started making a Shocked expression that expression was like another level her face was even more darker like she was more upset and one drop of tears started falling from the "women's upset face a "man came to her and hugged her out of sadness telling her "its okay, Shinata will be just fine" the women immediately pull off the man and starts yelling at him, the "women" turns to the doctor and said to him "What did you do to Shinata!" the "doctor" then responds "Your daughter Miss Ah has "Dissociative amnesia" it is a type amnesia that was caused by Anxiety, you daughter was either traumatized or Has witness something familiar, so Miss Ah and Mr Ah i would like to know how is your daughter been doing?" i looked at my hand and wandered whose Ah Shinata? The name sounds like a Japanese name meaning "Poetry"? So i started wandering if this "Ah Shinata is poetic person?" so i lay down gently on the bed and asked myself "Who am i?")

To be Continued.....
By Rainbowsus

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Don't try copy! Its like stealing! pls! And thank u
im sorry if im been rude but pls don't copy other people storyline even me!!

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